Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.

Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.
with Lippincott’s or any class C ...................... 2.50 with one of B and one of A ............................ 3.25 with one of B and Success ............................. 3.00 with two of class B ................................... 4.25 with Century Magazine ................................. 4.50 with Country Life in America .......................... 3.50 with Etude (for music lovers) ......................... 2.00 with Harper’s Magazine or weekly ...................... 4.25 with Judge ............................................ 4.75 with Leslie’s Weekly .................................. 4.25 with St. Nicholas ..................................... 3.50 with Scientific American .............................. 3.75 with Scribner’s Magazine .............................. 3.85

One Magazine Free:  Send me three orders for any combination (except Ladies’ Home Journal and Saturday Evening Post) and I will give you free, to be sent to any address desired, a yearly subscription to any periodical in class A or Offer No. 3.  Your own club and two other clubs make the three clubs.

LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL FREE:  Send me two (2) orders for the combination Ladies’ Home Journal and Saturday Evening Post, at $2.25 each and you may have free as your premium, and sent to any address desired, a yearly subscription to the Ladies’ Home Journal, or for three (3) orders a yearly subscription to the Saturday Evening Post.

Send me $2.50: 
5 Volume Encyclopedia, value ......... $10.00
Express charges to be paid on delivery
Cosmopolitan, 1 yr. ..................   1.00

This Encyclopedia is cloth bound, contains 3060 pages, Gold lettering, Well printed on fine paper.  Equally a Necessity for Every Home and Every Office.  Such an Encyclopedia as has hitherto been sold for $10 or $12.  It is new being just off the press.  Sample pages on request.

St. Nicholas
Will be sent in clubs as follows: 

with Review of Reviews and Success .................... $5.00
with World’s Work or any one in Class B ...............  4.75
with Outing and Recreation ............................  5.25
with Lippincott’s and Cosmopolitan or Leslie’s ........  5.25
[original had ‘Leslle’s’ on above line]
with Success and Art Interchange ......................  5.00
with Housekeeper and Cosmopolitan or Leslie’s .........  3.75
with Woman’s Home Companion and Success ...............  4.10
with Harper’s Bazar and Leslie’s or Cosmopolitan ......  4.00
with House Beautiful and Harper’s Bazar ...............  4.00
with Booklovers Magazine or any one in Class B ........  4.75
with Scribner’s Magazine ..............................  5.65
with Century Magazine .................................  6.30
with World’s Work and Booklovers ......................  6.25

Week’s Progress or any one in Offer No. 5 Will be sent in clubs as follows: 

Project Gutenberg
Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.