Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.

Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.

$3.00 Buys:  A TEN-VOLUME SET of the Works of EDGAR ALLAN POE (Prepaid) together with A Year’s Subscription to Pearson’s and A Year’s Subscription to Success

The Poe set is a beautiful Library Pocket Edition, printed on good paper, clear type, cloth bound covers modern flat back, with title, and the author’s portrait and signature embellished on the cover; each set nicely boxed.

[Transcriber’s note:  original had ‘potrait’ in above paragraph.]

SEND ME ONLY $3.35 FOR HARPER’S MAGAZINE the great leading magazine of the world (price $4.00) or add $3.35 to any combination in this catalogue.

BOTH $2.25 a full Year: 

House Beautiful or any Class A or two of Offer No. 3 Will be sent in clubs as follows: 

with Am.  Boy or any class A ........................... $1.50
with Good Housekeeping and National Magazine ..........  2.00
with any two of class A ...............................  2.00
with any three of class A .............................  2.50
with any one of class C ...............................  2.50
with Booklover’s (or any class B) and one of class A ..  3.25
with any two of class B ...............................  4.25
with American Inventor and Cosmopolitan Magazine ......  2.00
with any one of Offer No. 4 ...........................  1.75
with any two of Offer No. 4 ...........................  2.50
with any one of Offer No. 5 ...........................  2.00
with any two of Offer No. 5 ...........................  3.00
with Current Lit. or any class C ......................  2.50
with any two of class C ...............................  4.00
with Century Magazine .................................  4.50
with Country Life in America ..........................  3.50
with Harper’s Mag. or Weekly ..........................  4.25
with Independent ......................................  2.50
with International Studio .............................  4.50
with Judge ............................................  4.75
with Leslie’s Weekly ..................................  4.25
with Literary Digest (new sub.) .......................  3.00

Leslie’s Monthly Magazine or any Class A or two of Offer No. 3 Will be sent in Clubs as follows: 

with American Boy or any class A ...................... $1.50
with any two of class A  ..............................  2.00
with any three of class A .............................  2.50
with any one of Offer No. 3 ...........................  1.25
with any two of Offer No. 3 ...........................  1.50
with any one of Offer No. 4 ...........................  1.75
with any two of Offer No. 4 ...........................  2.50
with any one of Offer No. 5 ...........................  2.00
with any two of Offer No. 5 ...........................  3.00
with Woman’s Home Companion ...........................  1.60
with World Today ......................................  1.60

Project Gutenberg
Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.