Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.

Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.
with Burr McIntosh Monthly or any class B or C ........ $5.50
with Booklovers Magazine or any class B or C ..........  5.50
with World’s Work or any one class B or C .............  5.50
with House Beautiful or any one in class A ............  4.25
with any two class A ..................................  4.75
with Journal of Education or any one in class C .......  5.50
with Etude (For all music lovers) or one in Offer No. 5  4.75
with any two in class B or C ..........................  7.00
with Century or International Studio ..................  7.00
with Country Life in America ..........................  6.25
with Scribner’s Magazine ..............................  6.35
with Outlook (new) ....................................  6.00

North American Review (new) or International Studio or Century Will be sent in clubs as follows: 

with Country Life or Craftsman or Theater ............. $5.00
with Outlook (new) or Churchman (new) .................  5.75
with Century ..........................................  7.25
with Scientific American ..............................  6.25
with Harper’s Weekly or Monthly .......................  7.00
with any one in Class B ...............................  5.75
with Success and one in class A .......................  5.00
with Etude or anyone in Offer No. 5 ...................  5.00
with Scribner’s Magazine...............................  6.50

World Today or Woman’s Home Companion Will be sent in clubs as follows: 

with Success or any one in Class A  ................... $1.60
with Pearson and any one in Class A ...................  2.10
with Art Interchange and Leslies ......................  3.10
with Journal of Education and Cosmopolitan ............  3.10
with Education (new) and Booklovers ...................  4.35
with Leslie’s Monthly and any one in class B ..........  3.35
with North American Review (new) and Success ..........  5.10
with International Studio and Leslies .................  5.10
with Country Life .....................................  3.60
with Outlook (new) and Good Housekeeping ..............  3.85
with any one in class C ...............................  2.60
with any two in class C ...............................  4.10
with any two in class B ...............................  4.35
with any one in Offer No. 3 ...........................  1.35
with any two in Offer No. 3 ...........................  1.60
with any one in Offer No. 4 ...........................  1.85
with any two in Offer No. 4 ...........................  2.60
with any one in Offer No. 5 ...........................  2.10
with any two in Offer No. 5 ...........................  3.10
with Woman’s Home Companion ...........................  1.70
with Etude (for all Music lovers) .....................  2.10
with St. Nicholas .....................................  3.60
with Scribner’s Magazine ..............................  3.85
with Century Magazine .................................  4.60

Metropolitan Magazine or any one on Offer No. 5 Will be sent in clubs as follows: 

Project Gutenberg
Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.