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[Transcriber’s note:
This was a catalog from a magazine subscription agency many years ago. It is presented in order to show a cross section of the periodicals for the general public, and some professional journals, published in the USA at that time, and the kinds of subscription prices they asked. Obviously, the offers are no longer available and most of these periodicals are no longer published! The only other thing I know about Mr. Cottrell is that he was apparently an avid player of horseshoe pitching.
The booklet had 40 octavo size pages and there were two forms inserted loose into its pages; the contents of those forms appear at the end of this document. The booklet itself had four kinds of content. 1) Instructions and self-promotion by D. D. Cottrell. 2) Advertisements inserted by various publishers. 3) An extensive alphabetical list of the American publications offered via the company. 4) An extensive variety of “club lists”—offers of an even more special price on particular combinations of two or more magazines, not necessarily from the same publisher. This was a common practice at the time. Comments in square brackets, other than the footnotes, were added during the process of transcribing the booklet to an etext. Enough blathering; here follows the actual contents of the booklet.]
Catalog No. 39
Season 1905.
Established 1886
North Cohocton, N.Y.
Twentieth Year
Wholesale Price List of
Newspapers & Periodicals
Save Money, Time and Trouble by subscribing for all your periodicals through us.
References: Dun’s or Bradstreet’s
Commercial Agencies or Any Leading
[Note that The D. D. Cottrell company no longer exists!!!]
Our Guarantee: We will Beat or meet any price advertised this season by any responsible party for any periodical or combination of periodicals. Send all your orders to us.
Some leading offers.
Regular Our
The Success Magazine:
with Leslie’s Monthly--or Cosmopolitan
........ $2.00 $1.50
with Harper’s Bazar--or Good Housekeeping
..... 2.00 1.50
with Pearson’s--or Twentieth Century
Home ..... 2.00 1.50
with Sunset Magazine--or American Boy
......... 2.00 1.50
with American Inventor—or Technical
World .... 3.00 1.50
with Bookkeeper--or Ladies’ World
............. 2.00 1.25
with Holiday Magazine--or Young Americans
..... 1.50 1.25
with Woman’s Home Companion ...................