Science in the Kitchen. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 914 pages of information about Science in the Kitchen..

Science in the Kitchen. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 914 pages of information about Science in the Kitchen..
      Preparation and cooking
      To keep celery fresh
        Celery salad
        Stewed celery
        Stewed celery No. 2
        Celery with tomato sauce
        Celery and potato hash
      Asparagus, description of
      Preparation and cooking
        Asparagus and peas
        Asparagus Points
        Asparagus on toast
        Asparagus with cream sauce
        Asparagus with egg sauce
        Stewed asparagus
      Sea-kale, description of
      Lettuce and radish, description of
    Preparation and cooking
      Mashed squash
      Squash with egg sauce
      Stewed squash
      Winter squash
      Preparation and cooking
      Time required for cooking
        Baked squash
        Steamed squash
      The pumpkin, description of
        Baked pumpkin
        Stewed pumpkin
        Dried pumpkin
      Tomato, description of
      Preparation and cooking
        Baked tomatoes
        Baked tomatoes No. 2
        Scalloped tomatoes
        Stewed corn and tomatoes
        Tomato gravy
        Tomato salad
        Tomato salad No. 2
        Broiled tomatoes
        Tomato pudding
        Stewed tomatoes
        Tomato with okra
      Egg plant, description of
      Nutritive value
        Scalloped egg plant
        Baked egg plant
      Cucumber, description of
      Preparation and cooking
      Salsify or vegetable oyster, description of
      Preparation and cooking
        Scalloped vegetable oysters
        Stewed vegetable oysters
      Green corn, peas, and beans, description of
      General suggestions for selecting and cooking
      Recipes for corn
        Baked corn
        Baked corn No. 2
        Boiled green corn
        Stewed corn pulp
        Corn cakes
        Corn pudding
        Roasted green corn
        Stewed green corn
        Summer succotash
        Dried corn
      Recipe for peas
        Stewed peas
      Recipes for beans
        Lima beans
        Shelled beans
        String beans
      Canning vegetables
        Canned corn
        Canned corn and tomatoes
        Canned peas
        Canned tomatoes
        Canned tomatoes No. 2
        String beans
        Canned pumpkin and squash
      Table topics.

Project Gutenberg
Science in the Kitchen. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.