reform in.
Pure-food laws, first example of in Assize of Bread and Beer A.D. 1266;
applying to grain, meat, fish;
selling unwholesome meat severely punishable in early England;
American laws;
history of;
in States;
matters to which they apply;
effect of;
history of;
the Federal act;
Pure food and drug laws, their criminal side.
Purple the color of royalty.
Purveyors (see Supplies), royal, might seize property.
Quia emptores, statute of. Quo warranto, statute of, 1289.
Race legislation as to labor;
Racial rights, chapter concerning, chapter XVI, question
on labor
Railroads (see Rates), steam, bonds for voted
by cities,
counties, etc.;
interstate commerce power over rates;
hours of labor on.
Railways, street, abutters’ consent necessary
for franchise.
Rape, made criminal at common law by statute Westminster
made a capital offence in 1285;
penalty made death in the South as at
common law;
rigor of the common law preserved.
Rates (see Extortion, Discrimination), must
be reasonable at
common law;
of public service companies must be uniform;
regulation of generally, chapter VIII,
of railways;
“granger” laws;
by State commissions;
clash between State and Federal governments;
what are reasonable;
of gas, water, light companies, etc.;
need not be uniform;
modern examples of;
reason for regulation of;
in foreign countries;
railway rate act of 1910;
the long and short haul clause.
Raw material, laws against export of, common in England.
Real property, real estate (see Property).
Recall, the, a new reform.
Recommendations, of servants, etc. (see Black
List), have early
origin in England.
Referendum (see Initiative), modern movement
in case of franchise.
Reform, movements of, in nineteenth century.
Regrating (see Forestalling, Middle Men), first
statute against;
definition of;
of fish and wool forbidden under Henry
of butter and cheese forbidden under Edward
of coal forbidden;
final definition of;
in early Greece by trusts;
especially obnoxious in early England.
Religion, religious liberty guaranteed first under
Cromwell, except as
to papists;
of Jesus Christ furthered.
Religious tests;
rights under American Constitution;
as to instruction in public schools;
as to taxation.
Rents in staple towns must be reasonable.
Reporters, newspaper, privilege of.
Representative government, and the right to law;
origin of;
peculiar to Anglo-Saxon people;
origin of, in England;
in America;
distrust of.
Republican form of government.