suspension of all duties in 1309 in order to see what the
effect is upon the people’s prosperity;
“new” customs again abolished, saving only the duty on wool or
only to be paid upon goods actually sold in England, not upon goods
in the United States.
Early methods of trial.
East India Company, monopoly of, attacked.
Edgar, laws of.
Education, may be separate for different races;
tendency of to be technical;
usually includes agricultural instruction;
state functions of declared a natural
compulsory in all states;
compulsory age of.
Edward I, charter of, in 1297;
Restores constitutional principle of taxation;
legislation of;
grants confirmation of charters.
Edward the Confessor, codes of;
laws of (see Wessex);
laws of sworn to be observed by Norman
laws of restored by Charter of Liberties.
Edward II, reign of.
Edward III, legislation of.
Edward VI, legislation of.
Edward VII, minimum wage legislation.
Egyptians (see Gypsies).
Elections (see Voters), freedom of, principle
dates from statute
of Westminster I;
local regulation of essential;
free right to;
house the judge of;
right of voting;
control of votes of employees;
Federal and State authority;
regulation of machinery of;
of corruption in, 290, 291.
Electric power companies, eminent domain for.
Elevators, subject to rate regulation; hours of
labor on.
Elizabeth, legislation of.
“Elkins” act, 176 (see Discrimination,
Trusts); form of, 361.
Eminent domain, a modern doctrine;
applies to personal property;
personal property seized by royal purveyors;
damages in;
does not exist in England;
growth of in United States;
public service corporations entitled to;
extended to public service corporations;
to private corporations;
to the taking of easements;
damages given for land damaged as well
as taken;
only for a public use;
national uses;
State uses;
parks and playgrounds;
railways, telegraphs, etc.
what is a public use;
under State constitutions;
increased application of;
water subject to, in the arid States;
powers of Federal government;
no more land to be taken than needed.
Employers’ liability.
Employment offices (see Intelligence Offices),
regulated in
Oklahoma, etc.
England, statutes of, enforced in
United States, 55; New, forbidden to plant tobacco.
Englishry, London free from.
English language, replaces French;
to be used in law courts.
English law, restoration after the conquest.
Engrossing (see Forestalling, Restraint of Trade),
first statute
definition of;