Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,209 pages of information about Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War.

Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,209 pages of information about Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War.

The losses at Sharpsburg may be here recorded.

The Stonewall Brigade, 250 strong 88
Taliaferro’s Brigade 178
Starke’s Brigade 287
Jones’ Brigade 152
700 (38 p.c.)

Ewell’s (Lawton) division—­8,600. 
Lawton’s Brigade, 1,150 strong 567
Early’s Brigade, 1,200 strong 194
Trimble’s Brigade, 700 strong 237
Hays’ Brigade, 550 strong 336
1,334 (47 p.c.)

The light division—­3,000
Branch’s Brigade 104
Gregg’s Brigade 165
Archer’s Brigade 105
Pender’s Brigade 30
Field’s Brigade (not engaged) —­
Thomas’ Brigade (at Harper’s Ferry) —­
Artillery (Estimated) 50
Total 2,488 (209 officers)

D.H.  Hill’s division—­3,500
Rodes’ Brigade 203
Garland’s Brigade (estimated) 300
Anderson’s Brigade 302
Ripley’s Brigade (estimated) 300
Colquitt’s Brigade (estimated) 300

McLAWS’ division—­4,500
Kershaw’s Brigade 355
Cobb’s Brigade 156
Semmes’ Brigade 314*
Barksdale’s Brigade 294

(* Semmes’ four regiments, engaged in Jackson’s counterstroke, reported the following percentage of loss. 53rd Georgia, 30 per cent.; 32nd Virginia, 45 per cent.; 10th Georgia, 57 per cent.; 15th Virginia, 58 per cent.)

D.R.  Jonesdivision—­3,500
Toombs’ Brigade (estimated) 125
Drayton’s Brigade (estimated) 400
Anderson’s Brigade 87
Garnett’s Brigade 99
Jenkins’ Brigade 210
Kemper’s Brigade (estimated) 120

Walker’s division—­3,500
Walker’s Brigade 825
Ransom’s Brigade 187

Hood’s division—­2,000. 
Laws’ Brigade 454
Hood’s Brigade 548
Evans’ Brigade, 250 strong 200

B.H.  Anderson’s division—­3,500
Featherston’s Brigade 304
Mahone’s Brigade 76
Pryor’s Brigade 182
Armistead’s Brigade 35
Wright’s Brigade 203
Wilcox’ Brigade 221

Project Gutenberg
Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.