The Faithful Shepherdess eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 92 pages of information about The Faithful Shepherdess.

The Faithful Shepherdess eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 92 pages of information about The Faithful Shepherdess.

p. 373, l. 6.  A and B] That I will I. l. 19.  F misprints] fair heap.

P-375, l. 12.  A and B] these Groves. l. 17.  A and B] mires.  A and B omit] to find my ruine. l. 27.  A-F omit] him. l. 29.  C and D] have gone this. l. 30.  A-F] his rights. l. 33. 2nd Folio misprints] yours.

p. 376, l. 10.  A-D] livers.

P. 377, l. 13.  A and B] fall speedily. l. 14.  A-D] let me goe. l. 21.  A-F] seaman. l. 22.  A and B] than the straightest.

p. 378, l. 19.  A and B] our soules. l. 40.  C] The gentle.

p. 379, l. 11.  A and B] a wild. l. 18.  A and B] Enter an other Shepheardesse that is in love with Perigot.

p. 381, l. 4. 2nd Folio misprints] ever. l. 11.  A, B and F] their weaning. l. 18.  A and B] Enter Sullen. F] Enter sullen Shepherd. l. 19.  A, B and F for Shep, (character) read] Sul. l. 37.  A-C omit character] Shep.  D-F print] Sull.

p. 382, l. 8.  A-F for Shep.] Sul. l. 25. 2nd Folio] sufficient, great to. l. 26.  F] eye. l. 28.  A and B] has foile enough. l. 38.  A-F] dares.

p. 383, l. 5.  A-D omit] likewise.  C] ayre is fresh. l. 10.  A-C] are grown.  A-D] Woodbines. l. 26.  A-D] eare of Maid.  E and F] eare of maids. l. 27.  C and D] I love. l. 29.  A] so sure a Mold.  B-F] so sure the Molde.

p. 384, l. 7.  A-F] whose words. l. 13. 2nd Folio] dost,

p, 385, l. 2.  A-C] hee is here.

p. 386, l. 21.  A and B] grief and tine. l. 30.  A-C] raine. l. 35.  A-D] swains more meeter. l. 36.  A and B] Than these. l. 38.  A-D] Hide.

p. 387, l. 3.  A-D] hath been. l. 7.  F] Titans.

p. 388, l. 3.  A-D] lowde falling. l. 21.  A] his walkes keep. l. 32.  F omits] great. l. 34.  A] high birth. l. 36.  A] born a most.

p. 389, l. 1.  A] did lop. l. 2.  A] told me. l. 6.  A] teeth. l. 8.  A omits] fast. l. 14.  A] Formentill. l. 16.  A-F] roote.  A-D and F] swellings best. l. 31.  A] wanton forces. l. 39.  A] and with joy.

p. 390, l. 1.  A] Enter Shepheard. l. 2.  A] Shep. and so throughout. l. 10.  A] make. l. 15.  A and C] you blessed. l. 16.  A] brightly. l. 19.  A] That stiled is the. l. 36.  A-C] into a stround.

p. 391, l. 1.  C] eies. l. 14.  C] Thy way. l. 16. 2nd Folio misprints] Chor. l. 24.  A omits] Then. (char.). l. 30.  A] flame.

p. 392, l. 4.  A] Orions. l. 5.  A-D] woven. l. 6.  A-C] unfould. l. 7.  A] The errant soul.  A-D] not the true. l. 9.  A] Alpen. l. 13.  A] you do keep. l. 14.  E] that are begotten. l. 30.  A-C] for their. l. 31.  A and B] To seat them.

p. 393, l. 3.  A-D] Doe, and let. l. 6.  A-C omit] that here.  D omits] that. l. 9.  A-F] mourning.  A-F] Ewe. l. 18.  A, B and D] For never did. l. 21. 2nd Folio misprints] then. l. 23.  A-D] Shootes. l. 26.  A and B] And present. l. 31. 2nd Folio misprints] maiden. l. 35.  A-D] highly praise.

Project Gutenberg
The Faithful Shepherdess from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.