Ancient Nahuatl Poetry eBook

Daniel Garrison Brinton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 143 pages of information about Ancient Nahuatl Poetry.

Ancient Nahuatl Poetry eBook

Daniel Garrison Brinton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 143 pages of information about Ancient Nahuatl Poetry.
TLATOANI, n.  Ruler, lord. 
TLATOCAYOTL, n.  The quality of governing or ruling. 
TLATOLLI, n.  Word, speech, order. 
TLATZIHUI, v.  To neglect, to be negligent; to be abandoned, to lie
      fallow; to leave, to withdraw. 
TLAUANTLI, n.  Vase, cup.  XXVI, 4. 
TLAUHQUECHOL, n.  A bird, the red heron, Platalea ajaja
TLAUILLOTL, n.  Clearness, light.  X, 1. 
TLAXILLOTIA, v.  To arrange, sustain, support.  IX, 4. 
TLAXIXINIA, v.  To disperse, to destroy. 
TLAYAUA, v.  To make an encircling figure in dancing. 
TLAYAUALOLLI, adj.  Encircled, surrounded.  XXI, 6. 
TLAYOCOLIA, v.  To make, to form, to invent.  XIV. 
TLAYOCOYALLI, n.  Creature, invention. 
TLAZA, v.  To throw away; fig., to reject, to despise. 
TLAZOTLA, v.  To love, to like. 
TLE, pron. int. and rel.  What?  That. 
TLEAHUA, v.  To set on fire, to fire. 
TLEIN, pron., int. and rel.  What?  That. 
TLEINMACH, adv.  Why?  For what reason? 
TLENAMACTLI, n.  Incense burned to the gods.  III, 1. 
TLEPETZTIC, adj.  Shining like fire, tletl, petzlic.  XV, 26. 
TLETL, n.  Fire. 
TLEYMACH, adv.  Why?  Wherefore? 
TLEYOTL, n.  Fame, honor. 
TLEZANNEN, adv.  To what good?  Cui bono? 
TLILIUHQUI, adj.  Black, brown. 
TLILIUI, v.  To blacken, to paint black.  XII, 6. 
TLOC, postpos.  With, near to. 
TLOQUE NAHUAQUE, n.  A name of divinity.  See I, 6, note. 
TO, pron. posses.  Our, ours. 
TOCA, v.  To follow. 
TOCI, n.  “Our ancestress,” a divinity so called. 
TOCO, v.  Impers. of toca
TOHUAN, pron.  With us. 
TOLINIA, v.  To be poor, to be unfortunate. 
TOLQUATECTITLAN, n.  The place where the head is bowed for
      lustration.  III, 1. 
TOMA, v.  To loosen, to untie, to open.  XVII, 3. 
TOMAHUAC, adj.  Great, heavy, large. 
TONACATI, v.  To be prosperous or fertile. 
TONACATLALLI, n.  Rich or fertile land. 
TONAMEYO, adj.  Shining like the sun, glittering. 
TONAMEYOTL, n.  Ray of the sun, light, brilliancy. 
TONATIUH, n.  The sun. 
TONEUA, v.  To suffer pain; nite, to inflict pain. 
TOQUICHPOHUAN, n.  Our equals.  I, 3. 
TOTOTL, n.  A bird, generic term. 
TOZMILINI, adj.  Sweet voiced.  XXI, 3. 
TOZNENETL, n.  A parrot, Psittacus signatus
TOZQUITL, n.  The singing voice, p. 21. 
TZALAN, postpos.  Among, amid. 
TZATZIA, v.  To shout, to cry aloud. 
TZAUHQUI, v.  To spin.  XVII, 22. 
TZETZELIUI, v.  To rain, to snow; fig., to pour down. 
TZIHUAC, n.  A species of bush.  XV, 1. 
TZIMIQUILIZTLI, n.  Slaughter, death.  XVI, 5. 
TZINITZCAN, n.  A bird, Trogon Mexicanus
TZITZILINI, n.  A bell. 
TZOTZONA, v.  To strike the drum.

Project Gutenberg
Ancient Nahuatl Poetry from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.