Ancient Nahuatl Poetry eBook

Daniel Garrison Brinton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 143 pages of information about Ancient Nahuatl Poetry.

Ancient Nahuatl Poetry eBook

Daniel Garrison Brinton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 143 pages of information about Ancient Nahuatl Poetry.
TLAHUELLI, n.  Anger, ire. 
TLAHUICA, n.  Servant, page; also, a native of the province of
      Tlahuican. (See Index.}
TLAILOTLAQUI, n.  “Workers in filth;” scum; a term applied in
      contempt.  XIII, 8; XV, 12, 14.  Also a proper name. 
      (See Index.)
TLALAQUIA, v.  To bury, to inter. 
TLALLI, n.  Earth, ground; tlalticpac, on the earth. 
TLALNAMIQUI, v.  To think of, to remember. 
TLALPILONI, n.  An ornament for the head.  VI, 4, from ilpia
TLAMACHTI, v. ref.  To be rich, happy, prosperous. 
TLAMAHUIZOLLI, n.  Miracle, wonder. 
TLAMATILLOLLI, n.  Ointment; anything rubbed in the hands.  XI, 9. 
TLAMATQUI, adj.  Skillful, adroit. 
TLAMATTICA, adj.  Calm, tranquil. 
TLAMELAUHCAYOTL, n.  A plain or direct song.  II, 1. 
TLAMI, v.  To end, to finish, to come to an end. 
TLAMOMOYAUA, v.  To scatter, to destroy.  XV, 21. 
TLAN, postpos.  Near to, among, at. 
TLANECI, v.  To dawn, to become day. Ye tlaneci, the day breaks. 
TLANEHUIA, v.  Nicno.  To revel, to indulge one’s self in.  XXI, 8. 
TLANELTOCA, v.  To believe in, to have faith in. 
TLANIA, v.  To recover one’s self, to return within one’s self. 
TLANIICZA, v.  To abase, to humble.  IX, 3. 
TLANTIA, v.  To terminate, to end. 
TLAOCOL, adj.  Sad, melancholy, pitiful, merciful. 
TLAOCOLIA, v.  To be sad, etc
TLAOCOLTZATZIA, v.  To cry aloud with grief.  I, 3. 
TLAPALHUIA, v., rel.  To be brilliant or happy; act_., to salute a
      person; to paint something. 
TLAPALLI, n. and adj.  Colored; dyed; red. 
TLAPALOA, v.  To salute, to greet. 
TLAPANAHUIA, adj.  Surpassing, superior, excellent; used to form
TLAPANI, v.  To dye, to color.  XVII, 10. 
TLAPAPALLI, adj.  Striped, in stripes. 
TLAPATL, n.  The castor-oil plant; the phrase mixitl tlapatl means
      stupor, intoxication.  IX, 2. 
TLAPEPETLANI, v.  To sparkle, to shine forth. 
TLAPITZA, v.  Fr. pitza, to play the flute.  XVII, 26. 
TLAQUALLI, n.  Food, eatables. 
TLAQUAUAC, adj.  Strong, hard. 
TLAQUAUH, adj.  Strongly, forcibly. 
TLAQUILLA, adj.  Stopped up, filled.  XX, 4. 
TLAQUILQUI, n.  One who plasters, a mason.  XXI, 1. 
TLATEMMATI, v.  To suffer afflictions. 
TLATENEHUA, v.  To promise. 
TLATHUI, v.  To dawn, to become light. 
TLATIA, v. 1.  To hide, to conceal; 2. to burn, to set on fire. 
TLATLAMANTITICA, adj.  Divided, separated. 
TLATLATOA, v.  To speak much or frequently.  XVII, 11. 
TLATLAUHTIA, v.  To pray.  XVI, 3. 
Project Gutenberg
Ancient Nahuatl Poetry from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.