Ancient Nahuatl Poetry eBook

Daniel Garrison Brinton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 143 pages of information about Ancient Nahuatl Poetry.

Ancient Nahuatl Poetry eBook

Daniel Garrison Brinton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 143 pages of information about Ancient Nahuatl Poetry.
TEOCUITLA, n.  Gold, of gold. 
TEOHUA, n.  A priest.  XVII, 19. 
TEOQUECHOL, n.  A bird of beautiful plumage. 
TEOTL, n.  God, divinity. 
TEOXIHUITL, n.  Turquoise; fig., relation, ruler, parent. 
TEPACCA, adj.  Causing joy, pleasurable. 
TEPEITIC, n.  Narrow valley, glade, glen. 
TEPETL, n.  A mountain, a hill. 
TEPEUA, v.  To spread abroad, to scatter, to conquer.  XV, 3. 
TEPONAZTLI, n.  A drum.  See p. 22. 
TEPOPOLOANI, v.  To slay, to slaughter. 
TEQUANI, n.  A wild beast, a savage person. 
TEQUI, v.  To cut. 
TETECUICA, v.  To make a loud noise, to thunder.  XXI, 7. 
TETL, n.  A stone, a rock.  In comp., te
TETLAMACHTI, n.  That which enriches, glorifies, or pleases. 
TETLAQUAUAC, adj.  Hard or strong as stone.  Comp. of tetl and
TETOZCATEMO, v.  To let fall or throw forth notes of singing.  I, 2. 
TETZILACATL, n.  A copper gong.  XVII, 21.  See p. 24. 
TEUCTLI, n., pl. teteuctin.  A noble, a ruler, a lord; in
, the lords, the great ones. 
TEUCYOTL, n.  Nobility, lordship. 
TEUH, postpos.  Like, similar to. 
TEUHYOTL, n.  Divinity, divineness. 
TEYOLQUIMA, adj.  Pleasing, odorous, sweet. 
TEYOTL, n.  Fame, honor. 
TI, pron. 1. thou; timo, ref.; tic, act. 2. we; tito, ref.;
      tic, act. 
TILANI, v.  To draw out. 
TILINI, v.  To crowd, to press.  XVII, 19. 
TIMALOA, v.  To glorify, to exalt, to praise. 
TIMO, pron. ref.  Thou thyself. 
TITO, pron. ref.  We ourselves. 
TIZAITL, n.  Chalk; anything white; an example or model. 
TIZAOCTLI, n.  White wine.  See VII, 2. 
TLA, adv., for intla, if; pron. indef., something, anything;
      postpos. in abundance. 
TLACACE, interj.  Expressing astonishment or admiration.  XVII, 3. 
TLACAQUI, v.  To hear, to understand. 
TLACATEUCTLI, n.  A sovereign, a ruler. 
TLACATI, v.  To be born. 
TLACATL, n.  Creature, person. 
TLACAZO, adv.  Truly, certainly. 
TLACHIA, v.  To see, to look upon. 
TLACHIHUAL, n.  Creature, invention. 
TLACHINOLLI, n.  Battle, war; from chinoa, to burn. 
TLACOA, v.  To injure, to do evil, to sin. 
TLACOCHTLI, n.  The arrow. 
TLACOCOA, v.  To buy, to purchase.  X, 1. 
TLACOHUA, v.  To buy, to purchase. 
TLACOHUA, v.  To beat, to chastise. 
TLACOTLI, n.  A servant, slave. 
TLACOUIA, v.  To split, to splinter. 
TLACUILOA, v.  To inscribe, to paint in, to write down. 
TLAELEHUIANI, adj.  Desirous of, anxious
Project Gutenberg
Ancient Nahuatl Poetry from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.