Reynolds, John:
Fellow of New College
of Exeter
author of God’s Revenge
Reynolds, Sir John, Colonel
Rhodon and Iris
Ribeiro, Bernardim
Risposta al Malacreta
Robene and Makyne
Robert of Sicily
Robin Hood and Little John
Robins et Marion
Rodrigues de Lobo, Francisco
Rollinson, Anthony
Roman de la Rose
Romeo and Juliet
Rondinelli, Dionisio
Ronsard, Pierre de
Rossi, Bartolommeo
Rossi, Giovanni Vittorio
Rossi, Vittorio
Rota, Bernardino
Rovere, Francesco Maria delia
Rovere, Guidubaldo delia (Guidubaldo II), Duke of Urbino
Rowley, William
Roxburghe Club
Royden, Matthew
Royster Doyster
Rozzi, Congrega dei
Ruberto, Luigi
Rural Sports of the Nymph Oenone
Russell, Lady
Rutter, Joseph
S., E.
S., H.
J. (translater of the Filli di Sciro)
S., J. (author of Andromana)
Sa de Miranda, Francisco de
Sabie, Francis
Sacchetti, Franco
Sackville, Edward
Sacrifizio (Beccari)
Sacrifizio (Intronati masque)
Sacrifizio pastorale
Sad Shepherd
Sagredo, Giovanni
Saint-Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernardin de
Saintsbury, George
Salviati, Lionardo
Samson, M. W.
Sand, George
Sandys, J. E.
Sannazzaro, Jacopo
Sansovino, F.
San vitale, Gualtiero
Saturday Review
Savio, Giovanni
Schlegel, A. W. von
Schoenherr, J. G.
Schucking, L. L.
Scilla’s Metamorphosis
Scott, Mary A.
Scott, Sir Walter
Scyros, see Filli di Sciro
Selva d’ amore
Selva sin amor
Serassi, Pierantonio
Serono, Orazio
Session of the Poets
Settle, Elkanah
Seward, Thomas
Seyffert, Oskar
Sforza, Giovanni
Sforza, Lodovico
Shadow of Sannazar
Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare Society
Shepherd Tony (pseud.)
Shepherd’s Calendar
Shepherd’s Complaint
Shepherd’s Content
Shepherds’ Holiday (Angel Day)
Shepherds’ Holiday (Denny)
Shepherds’ Holiday (Rutter)
Shepherd’s Hunting
Shepherds’ Masque
Shepherd’s Ode
Shepherd’s Oracle
Shepherd’s Oracles
Shepherds’ Paradise
Shepherd’s Pipe
Shepherds’ Sirena
Shepherd’s Taies
Shepherd’s Wife’s Song
Sherburne, Sir Edward
Sherley, James
Ship of Fools
Shuckburgh, E. S.
Sidnam, Jonathan
Sidney, Lady
Sidney, Sir Philip
Siglo de Oro
Signorelli, Luca
Silesio, Mariano
Silver Age
Silvia (Fileno)