Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 648 pages of information about Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama.

Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 648 pages of information about Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama.

(ii) English. W. J. Courthope. A History of English Poetry. 5 vols, published.  London, 1895-1905.  Vols, ii and iii contain accounts of English poets of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.

A. W. Ward. A History of English Dramatic Literature to the Death of Queen Anne. New and revised edition. 3 vols.  London, 1899.

F. G. Fleay. A Biographical Chronicle of the English Drama. 2 vols.  London, 1891.

([Greek:  b]) General Works on Pastoral.  Of these some refer chiefly to pastoral poetry, some mainly to the English drama.

(i) Poetry. E. W. Gosse. An Essay on English Pastoral Poetry. A. B. Grosart, Rider on Mr. Gosse’s Essay. In Grosart’s edition of Spenser, vol. iii, 1882, pp. ix-lxxi.

H. O. Sommer. Erster Versuch ueber die englische Hirtendichtung. Marburg, 1888.  A useful sketch of the eclogue in English literature from 1510 to 1805, though superficial and not always accurate.

Katharina Windscheid. Die englische Hirtendichtung von.1579-1625.  Halle, 1895.  This contains a good deal of original investigation, and I have found it of considerable use.  In questions of literary judgement, however, the author is not always happy.

C. H. Herford. Spenser.  Shepheards Calender, edited with introduction and notes. London, 1897.  The Introduction contains an admirable sketch of pastoral poetry in general.

E. K. Chambers. English Pastorals, with an introduction. London, 1895.  A collection of lyrics, eclogues, and scenes, with a useful introduction.

(ii) English Drama. Homer Smith. Pastoral Influence in the English Drama. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, vol. xii (1897), pp. 355-460.  This has been constantly cited in my notes.  As the first serious attempt to investigate the English pastoral drama it deserves credit; but in detail it is often inaccurate, while I generally disagree with the author on all matters on which divergence of opinion is possible.

Josephine Laidler. A History of Pastoral Drama in England until 1700. Englische Studien, July, 1905, xxxv (2). pp. 193-259.  This appeared while my work vas passing through the press, and though I have read it carefully, I think that the reference to Mahaffy’s not very accurate account of Arcadia (see p. 51, note) is the total extent of my indebtedness.  The article adds little to Homer Smith’s work for the period with which we are concerned, while it is at the same time both incomplete and inaccurate.

A. H. Thorndike. The Pastoral Element in the English Drama before 1605. Modern Language Notes, vol. xiv. cols. 228-246 (1899).  A careful and interesting article, which I also only read while my book was in the press.  Though it did not contain much that was new, I was particularly glad to find myself in agreement with the author as regards the importance of the pre-Italian tradition in English pastoral.

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Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.