Modern Economic Problems eBook

Frank Fetter
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about Modern Economic Problems.

Modern Economic Problems eBook

Frank Fetter
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about Modern Economic Problems.

Sec. 4. #Some theories of private property#.  Various theories have been framed to explain the origin and to justify the existence of private property.  The occupation theory is that property is based upon the priority of claim of one who finds wealth without an owner and appropriates it.  This is not an explanation of the property rights that are arising every moment, nor does it give a logical reason for the continuance of ancient property rights.  It is a statement applying to a case that has rarely happened, the settlement of an unoccupied territory.

More adequate to explain many cases is the conquest theory, that property is based on force; for nearly all lands to-day are occupied by the descendants of conquering invaders who took the lands and natural resources from the former inhabitants, who in turn had taken them from other occupants, many centuries before.  The conquest theory applies, for example, to the invasion of the Roman provinces by barbarian tribes who divided the country and developed the feudal system based on land tenure.  But it hardly applies to present-day happenings, and at its best it cannot, to modern minds, “justify” present property rights.

The labor theory, meeting some queries where others fail, is that ownership is based on the act of production.  It is declared that every man has a right to that to which his brain and his muscle have imparted value.  It is evident that this test leaves without explanation or justification a great number of things that do exist and have existed as property.  Usually the basis of the labor theory of property is declared to be each individual’s natural right to the results of his own labor, which claim is assumed to be an ultimate, undebatable, axiomatic fact.  However, that type of natural-right doctrine, which makes no appeal to experience and results, is now quite discredited in political science.

Another form of natural-rights theory is that property is necessary for the realization of the dignity of human nature and every individual has the natural right to self-realization.  This theory is, in a way, based on an appeal to experience, as to the effect of property on human character, and it has the virtue of expressing one of the ideals of modern democracy.  Altho, in common with various other “natural-rights” theories, it must be deemed too absolute and too individualistic, it contains a far-reaching truth, of which due account must be taken in our social philosophy.

The legal theory is that property exists because the law says it shall.  This expresses a truth, but is no more than a truism.  The law determines the limits of property, but what determines the limits of the law?  What practical or social justification is there for passing and continuing such law?  The legal theory does not contain a final explanation.  Each of these theories has its defects, but each points to some fact important and significant, at certain times and places, in the explanation of this widespread institution.

Project Gutenberg
Modern Economic Problems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.