The Pirates Own Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 477 pages of information about The Pirates Own Book.

The Pirates Own Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 477 pages of information about The Pirates Own Book.

During this dialogue the pirate’s ship floated, and the sloops were rowing with all expedition towards him.  As she came near, the pirate fired a broadside, charged with all manner of small shot, which killed or wounded twenty men.  Black Beard’s ship in a little after fell broadside to the shore; one of the sloops called the Ranger, also fell astern.  But Maynard finding that his own sloop had way, and would soon be on board of Teach, ordered all his men down, while himself and the man at the helm, who he commanded to lie concealed, were the only persons who remained on deck.  He at the same time desired them to take their pistols, cutlasses, and swords, and be ready for action upon his call, and, for greater expedition, two ladders were placed in the hatchway.  When the king’s sloop boarded, the pirate’s case-boxes, filled with powder, small shot, slugs, and pieces of lead and iron, with a quick-match in the mouth of them, were thrown into Maynard’s sloop.  Fortunately, however, the men being in the hold, they did small injury on the present occasion, though they are usually very destructive.  Black Beard seeing few or no hands upon deck, cried to his men that they were all knocked on the head except three or four; “and therefore,” said he, “let us jump on board, and cut to pieces those that are alive.”

[Illustration:  Death of Black Beard.]

Upon this, during the smoke occasioned by one of these case-boxes, Black Beard, with fourteen of his men, entered, and were not perceived until the smoke was dispelled.  The signal was given to Maynard’s men, who rushed up in an instant.  Black Beard and the lieutenant exchange shots, and the pirate was wounded; they then engaged sword in hand, until the sword of the lieutenant broke, but fortunately one of his men at that instant gave Black Beard a terrible wound in the neck and throat.  The most desperate and bloody conflict ensued:—­Maynard with twelve men, and Black Beard with fourteen.  The sea was dyed with blood all around the vessel, and uncommon bravery was displayed upon both sides.  Though the pirate was wounded by the first shot from Maynard, though he had received twenty cuts, and as many shots, he fought with desperate valor; but at length, when in the act of cocking his pistol, fell down dead.  By this time eight of his men had fallen, and the rest being wounded, cried out for quarter, which was granted, as the ringleader was slain.  The other sloop also attacked the men who remained in the pirate vessels, until they also cried out for quarter.  And such was the desperation of Black Beard, that, having small hope of escaping, he had placed a negro with a match at the gunpowder door, to blow up the ship the moment that he should have been boarded by the king’s men, in order to involve the whole in general ruin.  That destructive broadside at the commencement of the action, which at first appeared so unlucky, was, however, the means of their preservation from the intended destruction.

Project Gutenberg
The Pirates Own Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.