Delsarte System of Oratory eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 452 pages of information about Delsarte System of Oratory.

Delsarte System of Oratory eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 452 pages of information about Delsarte System of Oratory.

To spread the fingers as much as possible, gives the eccentro-eccentric hand.  This is exasperation.

In the subjoined charts we can see an illustration of the different attitudes of the hand.

[Illustration:  Criterion of the Hand.]


II   +—­   2   +—­ Concentro-concentric.     Conflict.
|     3 --+   Normo-concentric.         Tonic or power.
|     1   +-- Eccentro-concentric.      Convulsive.
|     2   +-- Concentro-normal.         Prostration. 
III —­+     3 —­+   Normo-normal.             Abandon.
|     1   +-- Eccentro-normal.          Expansion.
|     2   +-- Concentro-eccentric.      Retraction.
|     3 --+   Normo-eccentric.          Exaltation. 
I   +—­   1   +—­ Eccentro-eccentric.       Exasperation.

The nine primitive forms of the hand are, as is seen, undetermined.

/|                                            /|
/ |                                           / |
/  |                                          /  |
/   |                                         /   |
/    |          UPPER SURFACE.                /    |
/     |                                       /     |
/      |             To hold.                 /      |
/       |                                     /       |
+---------------------------------------------+        |
|        |                                    |  O     |
|  I     |                                    |  U     |
|  N     |                                    |  T     |
|  W     |                                    |  W     |
|  A     |                                    |  A     |
|  R     |          FRONT SURFACE.            |  R     |
|  D  T  |                           |        |  D     |
|     o  |          To retain.       |        |     T  |
|  L     |                                    |  L  o  |
|  A  w  |          Limit.         --         |  A     |
|  T  i  |                                    |  T  b  |
|  E  t  |          Obtain.          |        |  E  e  |
|  R  h  |                           |        |  R  l  |
|  A  d  |          BACK SURFACE.             |  A  o  |
|  L  r  |      |                             |  L  n  |
|     a  |      |   To maintain.              |     g  |
|  S  w  |      |                    |        |  S  .  |
|  U  .  |          Contain.         |        |  U     |
|  R     |                           |        |  R     |
|  F     |                                    |  F     |
|  A     |                                    |  A     |
|  C     |                                    |  C     |
|  E     |                                    |  E     |
|  .     |                                    |  .     |
|        +------------------------------------+--------+
|       /                                     |       /
|      /             LOWER SURFACE.           |      /
|     /                                       |     /
|    /                 To sustain.            |    /

Project Gutenberg
Delsarte System of Oratory from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.