Variance means “a verbal strife followed by strained or severed relations: wrangle or squabble: to dispute angrily.” This is connected to hatred and wrath.
Emulations means “to strive to equal or excell with a view to out do; ambitious or envious rivalry.” In other words stepping on someone else to get ahead of them or others. Oh, the Lord wants us to be considerate of others!
Strife and envyings come under this same thing. We must love every soul and not try to disregard their feelings or desires. Be happy for others to get ahead and “rejoice with them that rejoice and weep with those who weep,” is what the Bible tells us to do.
Murderers are those who wilfully kill and are sinners. They must seek forgiveness to be ready for heaven. If a person accidentally kills, that is not a sin, but it is a tragedy. It is the person who purposely kills who is a murderer and a sinner. To take one’s own life is a sin, that is if the person is in his right mind. We know that some people’s minds are afflicted (or wear out), and they are not responsible, yet there are some close lines even in these cases.
Drunkenness is a sin. Drunkenness is the “state of being drunk with strong drink or alcoholic liquor so that the use of the faculties is materially impaired.” (Web. Dic.) Oh, the sorrow and trouble that drunkenness has brought to little children, homes, wives and husbands, mothers and fathers, sisters, brothers and nations! It is a terrible thing! Today there is so much dope being taken. It is a terrible thing to abuse one’s body. God will not hold a person guiltless who abuses his body in any manner. Read Prov. 23:29-32. God has deliverance for all who get into this sin if they will only seek after God. But my dear grandson, flee from all of it. “Touch not the cup.” Never even taste it and you will never be a drunkard. Some say they can take it or leave it, but many did that for awhile and today they are on “skid row.” They lost their health, their wealth, their children, and their companions. Their life is wretched. Some might say, “It would not happen to me,” but they must flee from it as they would a serpent that is ready to strike.
Smoking cigarettes and taking anything that harms the body is a sin. The Bible says, “If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy: for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” I Cor. 3:17. What could be plainer? My dear grandson, I am expecting you to flee from all of these sins which are against the body which will destroy your body and soul in eternal torment for all eternity. Remember that eternity never ends. There is no time in eternity. Death seals your doom. It will pay to live each day in a way that we will be ready to meet God, or will be ready in that hour of death. It might come unexpectedly.