The Key to Peace eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 47 pages of information about The Key to Peace.

The Key to Peace eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 47 pages of information about The Key to Peace.

Lasciviousness means “lustful, wanton, loose; a person who excites lustful emotions in others.”  Let us study this with careful thought.  The world today advertises the fact that this or that will give “sexual appeal.”  This is lasciviousness.  Wearing clothing that does this is sin.  Acting in a way to cause others to have lustful emotions is a sin.  That is, if a person purposely acts in this way, or dresses in this way.  Speaking words and making signs that does this are sins.  Oh, God is calling for a pure and holy people!  His church, which is made up of holy (sinless) people, is without spot and blemish and has been cleansed and made pure through the blood of Jesus Christ. (Eph. 5:27).  We must be pure to be in it.

The next sin mentioned is idolatry which means “divine honors paid to idols, images, or any created object.” (Web.  Dic.) It also says it means “excessive admiration, or love, for any person or thing.”  To worship any image or man-made god is sin.  There in only one true God and we must worship Him in spirit and in truth.  Also we do not want to have an “excessive love” for any person or thing more than our love for God.  Some people allow things to keep them from having a true love for God.  This is a sin.  If you let money, possessions, or any person keep you from serving the Lord with all of your heart, then you have an idol.  The Apostle John said, “Little children, keep yourselves from idols.”  I John 5:21.  We are to “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.”  Matt. 22:37.  Surely that means a lot, doesn’t it?  There can’t be one thing or person between us and God.  He must absolutely be first in our life.  Oh, my grandson, it truly is a wonderful thing to put God first!  He is so precious to my soul and I know He will be to yours as you love and serve Him with all of your heart!  Jesus has said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”  Matt. 6:33.  What God adds is just perfect even though at the time we might not understand it.

The next sin is witchcraft.  Today many people are turning to magical powers and are having communion with evil spirits and the devil.  This is what witchcraft is.  Fortune tellers, spiritualist readers etc. are all of the devil and should never be considered nor tampered with.  Many have, in fun, or wanting to know something, imbibed an evil spirit and were tormented by it day and night.  God will protect His people if they will look to Him and not yield to evil spirits.  It is dangerous.  Read Lev. 19:31; Deut. 18:10:12; Acts 16:16-19; 8:11-21; 13:6-12.

Hatred is a sin.  Even if someone does us a wrong we must forgive them or Jesus has said that He would not forgive us. (Matt. 6:14,15).  Ill-feeling toward someone is a cousin to hatred.  We need to forgive and ask God to help us to love everyone regardless of what they do to us.  Wrath is also a sin and many times is connected with hatred.  We must not give vent to our anger but bring it under control.  God has help for everyone who will pray to Him and seek after Him.

Project Gutenberg
The Key to Peace from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.