" doctrine of, discussed
" from the Master, must be to the Grand Lodge
" every Mason has a right to one, to the Grand Lodge
" pending one, the sentence is in abeyance
Apprentices, rights of (see Entered Apprentice)
Arrears, non-payment of
" to lodges, history of their origin
" do not accrue during suspension
Assembly, general-one held in 287 by St. Alban
" " " in 926 at York
" " governed the craft for nearly 800 years
" " how organized
Atheist cannot be a Mason
Authorities for masonic law
Balloting for candidates
every member must take a part in it
secrecy of, inviolable
must be unanimous
Mason irresponsible for it to the lodge
not disfranchised of it by
non-payment of arrears
mode of
Balloting in each degree
not actually prescribed in the ancient
constitutions, but implied
must be unanimous
Ballot, reconsideration of
motion for, out of order
cannot be granted by dispensation
Black ball is the bulwark of Masonry
Brother, a title to be always used in lodge
Burial, masonic, right of
must be requested except for strangers
Master Masons only entitled to it
dispensation for, not usually required
Business, order of
may be suspended at any time by the Master
By-laws must be approved and confirmed by Grand Lodge
Calling from labor to refreshment
Censure, a masonic punishment
Certificates, masonic
Chaplain, Grand (see Grand Chaplain)
Charges of accusation, how to be made
Closing lodge is at the discretion of the Master
Committee of investigation on character of candidates
Committees to be appointed by the Master
Master is chairman of, when present
Communication of a lodge, how terminated
Consecration of a lodge how performed
meaning of
Constituting a lodge, ceremony of
meaning of
Constitutions, how to be altered
" Gothic, adopted in 926,
Corn, wine, and oil, masonic elements of consecration,
" " " why elements,
Crimes, masonic,
" " definition of,
" " enumeration of
Deacons, " two in each lodge, " are appointed officers, " not removable by Master or Senior Warden " Grand (see Grand Deacons) Dedication of a lodge, how performed " to whom, and why, " meaning of Definite suspension " " restoration from Degrees, no candidate can receive more than two at one communication Demitting " right of, not denied until recently, " regulations concerning " of many at one time may be refused Deputy Grand Master, duties and prerogatives of " " office of, not very ancient