Women Workers in Seven Professions eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about Women Workers in Seven Professions.

Women Workers in Seven Professions eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about Women Workers in Seven Professions.
Liverpool or the
neighbourhood and who are
not more than 18 years of
Tate (Science)(3) L35 3 years
Senior City(8) L30 and free admission Open to candidates of not
to lectures less than 16 and not more
3 years than 19 years of age
Senior City Technical(2) L50 and free admission Open to candidates of not
to lectures less than 16 and not more
than 25 years of age
3 years
Derby(2) L35 3 years One without limit of age,
one for candidates of not
more than 18 years of age
Canning L28 3 years}
Iliff L20 3 years} Arts including
Mathematics, or B.Sc. 
Honours in Mathematics
William Rathbone L20 3 years}
Gossage L70 circa 3 years Open to pupils of schools
in the Borough of Widnes
Lundie Memorial L15 3 years Wallasey Borough L35 3 years Open to candidates under
Council 19 years of age
W.P.  Sinclair Interest on L1,000 Arts or Honour School of
3 years Mathematics
Henry Deacon L50 3 years Open to candidates of not
more than 19 years of age
who intend studying in
the Honour School of
Sheridan Muspratt L50 2 years Chemistry Thomas Hornby L20 1 year Greek
Korbach L20 1 year Undergraduates reading
(renewable) German in the Honour
School of Modern
Languages or graduates
wishing to proceed with
German study or research
Henry Warren Meade-King Interest on L1,000 Economics
2 years
Holt Travelling L50 1 year Architecture Isaac Roberts(2) L50 1 year Science.  Open to graduates
(renewable) and under-graduates
Sir John Willox L50 2 years Chemistry

Korbach L20 1 year __See above, undergraduate_
                                  (renewable) scholarship of same name
Gilchrist L80 1 year Modern Languages
Isaac Roberts(2) L50 1 year See above, undergraduate
                                       scholarship of same name
1851 Exhibition L150 2 years Tenable at any University
                                                  in England and abroad,
                                                  and to be used for
                                                  Science Research work
University(2) L25 1 year
1851 Exhibition Bursary L70 1 year
Derby L45 circa 1 year Mathematics

Project Gutenberg
Women Workers in Seven Professions from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.