Women Workers in Seven Professions eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about Women Workers in Seven Professions.

Women Workers in Seven Professions eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about Women Workers in Seven Professions.
" 300 " " 350 422 65 ——­ ——­ " 350 " " 400 125 ——­ ——­ ——­ " 400 " " 450 93 ——­ ——­ ——­ " 450 " " 500 2 ——­ ——­ ——­ " 560 1 ——­ ——­ ——­

IV.  The salaries of uncertificated teachers are usually lower than the wage of a skilled artisan—­the average for men head teachers being below L100, and for women head teachers below L70, whilst 7,855 assistant teachers receive less than L50.

V. Supplementary teachers usually receive, of course without board or lodging, a salary equal to the money-wage of an average domestic servant.  They are commonly less well qualified than is she, for the work undertaken.

The chances of promotion to a headship are obviously so few, that the certificated teacher will probably remain an assistant all her life.  Chances of head-teacherships are being still further reduced by the amalgamation of departments under a head master.

In the schools of many large urban education authorities, less than 1 per cent. of the assistant teachers obtain promotion in twelve months.  The total number applying for the 163 places to be filled in the last promotion list that was formed by the London Education Authority, was 2,337, so that, as a direct result of the publication of that list, 2,174 teachers resumed their work after the summer vacation of 1911 with feelings of less hopefulness with regard to their future prospects.  The issue of a promotion list is in itself a fact to be deplored, seeing that it acts as a check to mental alertness.  For the 2,174 unsuccessful candidates for inclusion, their application has now either destroyed hope, or suspended any chances of its realisation for at least two years.  There is a consciousness in the unsuccessful applicant of somehow being worth less than she was before, since she is now an assistant mistress without potentiality for head teachership.  This feeling does not promote good work.  The issue of a promotion list is from every point of view bad policy, and although its direct action is confined to London, its sphere of indirect influence is very far-reaching, since London County Council applicants for country posts are often asked whether they have been included in it.

The essential qualification in a mistress of an elementary school is ability to teach a great variety of subjects:  she must be qualified for and prepared to teach all the subjects which make up the curriculum of her school.  The diversity of these will be seen from the subjects taught in an average typical elementary school:—­

Project Gutenberg
Women Workers in Seven Professions from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.