Sakoontala or the Lost Ring eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 179 pages of information about Sakoontala or the Lost Ring.

Sakoontala or the Lost Ring eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 179 pages of information about Sakoontala or the Lost Ring.

Ah! how I tremble for my lord’s reply.


What strange proposal is this?


His words are like fire to me.


What do I hear?  Dost thou, then, hesitate?  Monarch, thou art well acquainted with the ways of the world, and knowest that

  A wife, however virtuous and discreet,
  If she live separate from her wedded lord,
  Though under shelter of her parent’s roof,
  Is marked for vile suspicion.  Let her dwell
  Beside her husband, though he hold her not
  In his affection.  So her kinsmen will it.


Do you really mean to assert that I ever married
this lady?

[S’]AKOONTALA. [Despondingly.  Aside.

O my heart, thy worst misgivings are confirmed.


Is it becoming in a monarch to depart from the rules of justice, because he repents of his engagements?


I cannot answer a question which is based on a mere fabrication.


Such inconstancy is fortunately not common, except in men intoxicated by power.


Is that remark aimed at me?


Be not ashamed, my daughter.  Let me remove thy veil for a little space.  Thy husband will then recognize thee.

[Removes her veil.


[Gazing at [S’]AKOONTALA. Aside.

What charms are here revealed before mine eyes! 
Truly no blemish mars the symmetry
Of that fair form; yet can I ne’er believe
She is my wedded wife; and like a bee
That circles round the flower whose nectared cup
Teems with the dew of morning, I must pause
Ere eagerly I taste the proffered sweetness.

[Remains wrapped in thought.


How admirably does our royal master’s behaviour prove his regard for justice!  Who else would hesitate for a moment when good fortune offered for his acceptance a form of such rare beauty?


Great King, why art thou silent?


Holy men, I have revolved the matter in my mind; but the more I think of it, the less able am I to recollect that I ever contracted an alliance with this lady.  What answer, then, can I possibly give you when I do not believe myself to be her husband, and I plainly see that she is soon to become a mother?



Woe! woe!  Is our very marriage to be called in question by my own husband?  Ah me! is this to be the end of all my bright visions of wedded happiness?



  Beware how thou insult the holy Sage! 
  Remember how he generously allowed
  Thy secret union with his foster-child;
  And how, when thou didst rob him of his treasure,
  He sought to furnish thee excuse, when rather
  He should have cursed thee for a ravisher.

Project Gutenberg
Sakoontala or the Lost Ring from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.