Rod. Not brought by you; not of another’s leaving.
Jul. Speak softly, Rodorick: Let not these hear thee; But spare my shame for the ill choice I made, In loving thee.
Rod. I will speak loud, and tell thee,
Thou com’st, all cloyed and tired with his embraces,
To proffer thy palled love to me; his kisses
Do yet bedew thy lips; the very print,
His arms made round thy body, yet remains.
Gons. O barbarous jealousy!
Jul. ’Tis an harsh word: I am too pure for thee; but yet I love thee.
[Offers to take his hand.
Rod. Away, foul impudence.
Gons. Madam, you wrong Your virtue, thus to clear it by submission.
Jul. Whence grows this boldness, sir? did I ask you To be my champion?
Rod. He chose to be your friend, and not your husband: Left that dull part of dignity to me; As often the worst actors play the kings.
Jul. This jealousy is but excess of passion, Which grows up, wild, in every lover’s breast; But changes kind when planted in an husband.
Rod. Well, what I am, I am; and what I will be, When you are mine, my pleasure shall determine. I will receive no law from any man.
Jul. This strange unkindness of my Rodorick
I owe to thee, and thy unlucky love;
Henceforth go lock it up within thy breast;
’Tis only harmless while it is concealed,
But, opened, spreads infection like a vault.
Go, and my curse go with thee!—
Gons. I cannot go ’till I behold
you happy:—
—Here, Rodorick, receive her on thy knees;
Use her with that respect, which thou would’st
Thy guardian angel, if he could be seen.
—Do not provoke my anger by refusing.—
I’ll watch thy least offence to her; each word,
Nay, every sullen look;—
And, as the devils, who are damned to torments,
Yet have the guilty souls their slaves to punish;
So, under me, while I am wretched, thou
Shalt be tormented.—
Rod. Would’st thou make me the tenant
of thy lust,
To toil, and for my labour take the dregs,
The juicy vintage being left for thee?
No: she’s an infamous, lewd prostitute:
I loath her at my soul.
Gons. I can forbear No longer: swallow down thy lie, foul villain.
[They fight off the stage. Exeunt.
Jul. Help, help!
Amid. Here is that witch, whose fatal beauty Began the mischief; she shall pay for all.
[Goes to kill JULIA.
Hip. I hate her for it more than thou canst do; But cannot see her die, my master loves.
[Goes between with her sword.
Enter GONSALVO, following RODORICK, who falls.
Rod. So, now I am at rest:—
I feel death rising higher still, and higher,
Within my bosom; every breath I fetch
Shuts up my life within a shorter compass,
And, like the vanishing sound of bells, grows less
And less each pulse, ’till it be lost in air.