Cyd. Do you die first, and shew me then the way.
Alm. Should you not follow, my revenge were lost.
Cyd. Then rise again, and fright me with your ghost.
Alm. I will not trust to that; since death
I chuse,
I’ll not leave you that life which I refuse:
If death’s a pain, it is not less to me;
And if ’tis nothing, ’tis no more to thee.
But hark! the noise increases from behind;
They’re near, and may prevent what I designed;
Take there a rival’s gift. [Stabs her.
Cort. Perdition seize thee for so black a deed.
Alm. Blame not an act, which did from
love proceed:
I’ll thus revenge thee with this fatal blow;
[Stabs herself.
Stand fair, and let my heart-blood on thee flow.
Cyd. Stay, life, and keep me in the cheerful
Death is too black, and dwells in too much night.
Thou leav’st me, life, but love supplies thy
And keeps me warm, by lingering in my heart:
Yet dying for him, I thy claim remove;
How dear it costs to conquer in my love!
Now strike: That thought, I hope, will arm my
Alm. Ah, with what differing passions am I prest!
Cyd. Death, when far off, did terrible appear; But looks less dreadful as he comes more near.
Alm. O rival, I have lost the power to
Strength hath forsook my arm, and rage my will:
I must surmount that love which thou hast shown;
Dying for him is due to me alone.
Thy weakness shall not boast the victory,
Now thou shalt live, and dead I’ll conquer thee:
Soldiers, assist me down.
[Exeunt from above, led by Soldiers, and enter both, led by CORTEZ.
Cort. Is there no danger then? [To CYDARIA.
Cyd. You need not fear My wound; I cannot die when you are near.
Cort. You, for my sake, life to Cydaria
give; [To ALM.
And I could die for you, if you might live.
Alm. Enough, I die content, now you are
Killed in my limbs, reviving in my mind:
Come near, Cydaria, and forgive my crime. [CYDARIA
starts back.
You need not fear my rage a second time:
I’ll bathe your wounds in tears for my offence.
That hand, which made it, makes this recompence.
[Ready to join their hands.
I would have joined you, but my heart’s too
You will, too soon, possess him when I die.
Cort. She faints; O softly set her down.
Alm. ’Tis past!
In thy loved bosom let me breathe my last.
Here, in this one short moment that I live,
I have whate’er the longest life could give.
Cort. Farewell, thou generous maid:
Even victory,
Glad as it is, must lend some tears to thee;
Many I dare not shed, lest you believe [To
I joy in you less than for her I grieve.