Fran. I’ll take the law on you.
Lov. The law allows none to scold in their own causes: What dost thou think the lawyers take our money for?
Fran. I hope you intend to deal by my husband like a gentleman, as they say?
Lov. Then I should beat him most unmercifully, and not pay him neither.
Fran. Come, you think to fobb me off with your jests, as you do my husband; but it won’t be: yonder he comes, and company with him. Husband, husband! why, William, I say!
Enter BIBBER, BURR, and FAILER, at the other end.
Lov. Speak softly, and I will satisfy thee.
Fran. You shall not satisfy me, sir; pay me for what you owe me, for chamber-rent and diet, and many a good thing besides, that shall be nameless.
Lov. What a stygian woman’s this, to talk thus? Hold thy tongue ’till they be gone, or I’ll cuckold thy husband.
Fran. You cuckold him—would you durst cuckold him! I will not hold my tongue, sir.
Bib. Yonder’s my guest; what say you, gentlemen? Shall I call him to go down with us?
Lov. I must make a loose from her, there’s no other way. Save ye, Mr Failer; is your cousin Trice stirring yet? Answer me quickly, sir, is your cousin Trice yet stirring?
Fail. I’ll go and see, sir. Sure the man has a mind to beat me; but I vow to gad I have no mind to be beaten by him. Come away, Burr. Will, you follow us.
Bib. I’ll be with you immediately.
[Exeunt BURR and FAILER.
Lov. Who was that with Failer, Will?
Bib. A man at arms, that’s come from Holland.
Lov. A man out at arms thou mean’st, Will.
Bib. Good, i’faith.
Fran. Aye, aye; you run questing up and down after your gambols, and your jests, William; and never mind the main chance, as they say: Pray get in your debts, and think upon your wife and children.
Lov. Think upon the sack at Carey-house, with the Abricot flavour, Will. Hang a wife; what is she, but a lawful kind of manslayer? Every little hug in bed is a degree of murdering thee: and for thy children, fear ’em not: thy part of ’em shall be taylors, and they shall trust; and those, thy customers get for thee, shall be gentlemen, and they shall be trusted by their brethren; and so thy children shall live by one another.
Bib. Did you mark that, Frances? There was wit now; he call’d me cuckold to my face, and yet for my heart I cannot be angry with him. I perceive you love Frances, sir; and I love her the better for your sake; speak truly, do you not like such a pretty brown kind of woman?
Lov. I do i’faith, Will; your fair women have no substance in ’em, they shrink in the wetting.
Fran. Well, you may be undone if you will, husband: I hear there are two or three actions already out against him: You may be the last, if you think good.