His Other Self eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 16 pages of information about His Other Self.

His Other Self eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 16 pages of information about His Other Self.

There was a crowd round my door when the cab drove up, and in the middle of it was my missis, the woman next door, and ’er husband, wot ’ad just come ’ome.  ’Arf a dozen of ’em helped me out, and afore I could say a word the cabman drove off and left me there.

I dream of it now sometimes:  standing there explaining and explaining, until, just as I feel I can’t bear it any longer, two policemen come up and ’elp me indoors.  If they had ’elped my missis outside it would be a easier dream to have.

Project Gutenberg
His Other Self from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.