The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 515 pages of information about The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 2.

[Variant 1: 


  Erect as a sunflower he stands, and the streak
  Of the unfaded rose is expressed on his cheek. 1815.

  ... still enlivens his cheek. 1827.]

[Variant 2: 


  There fashion’d that countenance, which, in spite of a stain 1815.]

[Variant 3: 

    There’s an old man in London, the prime of old men,
  You may hunt for his match through ten thousand and ten,
  Of prop or of staff, does he walk, does he run,
  No more need has he than a flow’r of the sun. 1800.

This stanza appeared only in 1800, occupying the place of the three first stanzas in the final text.]

[Variant 4: 


  ... name ... 1800.]

[Variant 5: 


  Was the Top of the Country, ... 1800.]

[Variant 6: 


  Not less than the skill of an Exchequer Teller
  Could count the shoes worn on the steps of his cellar. 1800.

  How oft have I heard in sweet Tilsbury Vale
  Of the silver-rimmed horn whence he dealt his good ale. 1815.]

[Variant 7: 


  ... plough’d land, ... 1800.]

[Variant 8: 


  ... the noise of the bowl, 1800]

[Variant 9: 

  On the works of the world, on the bustle and sound,
  Seated still in his boat, he look’d leisurely round;
  And if now and then he his hands did employ,
  ’Twas with vanity, wonder, and infantine joy.

Only in the text of 1800.]

[Variant 10: 


  ... were ... 1800.]

[Variant 11: 


  For they all still imagin’d his hive full of honey;
  Like a Church-warden, Adam continu’d his rounds, 1800.]

[Variant 12: 


  ... this ... 1800.]

[Variant 13: 


  ... he kept to himself; 1800.]

[Variant 14: 


  You lift up your eyes, “O the merciless Jew!”
  But in truth he was never more cruel than you; 1800.

  ...—­and I guess that you frame
  A judgment too harsh of the sin and the shame; 1815.]

[Variant 15: 


  ... scarce e’en ... 1800.]

[Variant 16:  Italics first used in 1815.]

[Variant 17: 


  ... lawn ... 1800.]

[Variant 18: 


  He stood all alone like ... 1800.]

[Variant 19: 


  ... needs ... 1815.

The edition of 1827 returns to the text of 1800.]

[Variant 20: 


  Both stable-boy, errand-boy, porter and groom;
  You’d think it the life of a Devil in H—­l,
  But nature was kind, and with Adam ’twas well. 1800.]

Project Gutenberg
The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.