The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 515 pages of information about The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 2.

[Variant 45: 


  Heav’d his lank sides, ... 1819.]

[Variant 46:  1836.  In the two editions of 1819 this stanza formed two stanzas, thus: 

  All by the moonlight river side
  He gave three miserable groans,
  “’Tis come then to a pretty pass,”
  Said Peter to the groaning ass,
  “But I will bang your bones!”

  And Peter halts to gather breath,
  And now full clearly was it shown
  (What he before in part had seen)
  How gaunt was the poor Ass and lean,
  Yea wasted to a skeleton! 1819.

In the editions of 1820-1832, only the second of these stanzas is retained, with the following change of text in 1827: 

  And, while he halts, was clearly shown
  (What he before in part had seen)
  How gaunt the Creature was, and lean, 1827.

In the final text of 1836 the two stanzas of 1819 are compressed into one (ll. 446-50).]

[Variant 47: 


  But, while upon the ground he lay, 1819.

  That instant, while outstretched he lay, 1827.]

[Variant 48: 


  A loud and piteous bray! 1819.]

[Variant 49: 


  Joy on ... 1819.]

[Variant 50: 


  ... an endless shout,
  The long dry see-saw ... 1819.]

[Variant 51: 


  And Peter now uplifts his eyes;
  Steady the moon doth look and clear,
  And like themselves the rocks appear,
  And tranquil are the skies, 1819.

  And quiet are the skies. 1820.]

[Variant 52: 


  Whereat, in resolute mood, once more
  He stoops the Ass’s neck to seize—­
  Foul purpose, quickly put to flight! 
  For in the pool a startling sight
  Meets him, beneath the shadowy trees. 1819.]

[Variant 53: 


  ... the gallows ... 1832.

The text of 1836 returns to that of 1819.]

[Variant 54: 


  Or a gay ring of shining fairies,
  Such as pursue their brisk vagaries 1819.]

[Variant 55:  In the two editions of 1819 only.

  Is it a party in a parlour? 
  Cramm’d just as they on earth were cramm’d—­
  Some sipping punch, some sipping tea,
  But, as you by their faces see,
  All silent and all damn’d! [a]]

[Variant 56: 


  A throbbing pulse the Gazer hath—­
  Puzzled he was, and now is daunted; 1819.]

[Variant 57: 


  Like one intent upon a book—­1819.]

[Variant 58: 


  And drops, a senseless weight, ... 1819.]

[Variant 59: 


  A happy respite!—­but he wakes;—­
  And feels the glimmering of the moon—­
  And to stretch forth his hands is trying;—­
  Sure, when he knows where he is lying,
  He’ll sink into a second swoon. 1819.]

Project Gutenberg
The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.