The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 515 pages of information about The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 2.


  For I myself, in very truth, 1819.]

[Variant 16: 


  Off flew my sparkling Boat in scorn,
  Yea in a trance of indignation! 1819.

  Spurning her freight with indignation! 1820.]

[Variant 17: 


  ... to my stone-table
  Limp’d on with some vexation. 1819.

  ... tow’rd my stone-table 1827.]

[Variant 18: 


  ... promptly ... 1819.]

[Variant 19: 


  Breath fail’d me as I spake—­but soon
  With lips, no doubt, and visage pale,
  And sore too from a slight contusion,
  Did I, to cover my confusion,
  Begin the promised Tale. 1819.]

[Variant 20: 


  All by the moonlight river side
  It gave three miserable groans;
  “’Tis come then to a pretty pass,”
  Said Peter to the groaning Ass,
  “But I will bang your bones!” 1819.]

[Variant 21: 

In the two editions of 1819 only.

  “Good Sir!”—­the Vicar’s voice exclaim’d,
  “You rush at once into the middle;”
  And little Bess, with accent sweeter,
  Cried, “O dear Sir! but who is Peter?”
  Said Stephen,—­“’Tis a downright riddle!”]

[Variant 22: 


  The Squire said, “Sure as paradise
  Was lost to man by Adam’s sinning,
  This leap is for us all too bold; 1819.

  Like winds that lash the waves, or smite
  The woods, the autumnal foliage thinning—­
  “Hold!” said the Squire, “I pray you, hold! 1820.

  The woods, autumnal foliage thinning—­1827.]

[Variant 23: 


  ... its ponderous knell,
  Its far-renowned alarum! 1819.

  ... his ponderous knell,
  A far-renowned alarum! 1836.

  ... that ponderous knell—­
  His far-renowned alarum! 1840.]

[Variant 24: 


  With Peter Bell, I need not tell
  That this had never been the case;—­1819.]

[Variant 25: 


  ... placid ... 1820.

The text of 1827 returns to that of 1819.]

[Variant 26: 

  ... cheerfully ... 1819.]

[Variant 27: 


  Till he is brought to an old quarry, 1819.]

[Variant 28:  In the two editions of 1819 only.

  “What! would’st thou daunt me grisly den? 
  Back must I, having come so far? 
  Stretch as thou wilt thy gloomy jaws,
  I’ll on, nor would I give two straws
  For lantern or for star!”]

[Variant 29: 


  And so, where on the huge rough stones
  The black and massy shadows lay,
  And through the dark, ... 1819.]

Project Gutenberg
The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.