The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 515 pages of information about The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 2.

  XXI “With Mother’s pity in her breast enclosed
          She goeth, as she were half out of her mind,
          To every place wherein she hath supposed
          By likelihood her little Son to find; 145
          And ever on Christ’s Mother meek and kind
          She cried, till to the Jewry she was brought,
          And him among the accursed Jews she sought.

  XXII “She asketh, and she piteously doth pray
          To every Jew that dwelleth in that place 150
          To tell her if her child had passed that way;
          They all said—­Nay; but Jesu of his grace
          Gave to her thought, that in a little space
          She for her Son in that same spot did cry
          Where he was cast into a pit hard by. 155

  XXIII “O thou great God that dost perform thy laud
          By mouths of Innocents, lo! here thy might;
          This gem of chastity, this emerald,
          And eke of martyrdom this ruby bright,
          There, where with mangled throat he lay upright, 160
          The Alma Redemptoris ’gan to sing
          So loud, that with his voice the place did ring.

  XXIV “The Christian folk that through the Jewry went
          Come to the spot in wonder at the thing;
          And hastily they for the Provost sent; 165
          Immediately he came, not tarrying,
          And praiseth Christ that is our heavenly King,
          And eke his Mother, honour of Mankind: 
          Which done, he bade that they the Jews should bind.

  XXV “This Child with piteous lamentation then 170
          Was taken up, singing his song alway;
          And with procession great and pomp of men
          To the next Abbey him they bare away;
          His Mother swooning by the body [2] lay: 
          And scarcely could the people that were near 175
          Remove this second Rachel from the bier.

  XXVI “Torment and shameful death to every one
          This Provost doth for those bad Jews prepare
          That of this murder wist, and that anon: 
          Such wickedness his judgments cannot spare; 180
          Who will do evil, evil shall he bear;
          Them therefore with wild horses did he draw,
          And after that he hung them by the law.

  XXVII “Upon his bier this Innocent doth lie
          Before the altar while the Mass doth last:  185
          The Abbot with his convent’s company
          Then sped themselves to bury him full fast;
          And, when they holy water on him cast,
          Yet spake this Child when sprinkled was the water;
          And sang, O Alma Redemptoris Mater! 190

Project Gutenberg
The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.