The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 515 pages of information about The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 2.

  VII “A little school of Christian people stood
          Down at the farther end, in which there were
          A nest of children come of Christian blood, 45
          That learned in that school from year to year
          Such sort of doctrine as men used there,
          That is to say, to sing and read also,
          As little children in their childhood do.

  VIII “Among these children was a Widow’s son, 50
          A little scholar, scarcely seven years old, [C]
          Who day by day unto this school hath gone,
          And eke, when he the image did behold
          Of Jesu’s Mother, as he had been told,
          This Child was wont to kneel adown and say 55
          Ave Marie, as he goeth by the way.

  IX “This Widow thus her little Son hath taught
          Our blissful Lady, Jesu’s Mother dear,
          To worship aye, and he forgat it not;
          For simple infant hath a ready ear. 60
          Sweet is the holiness of youth:  and hence,
          Calling to mind this matter when I may,
          Saint Nicholas in my presence standeth aye,
          For he so young to Christ did reverence. [D]

  X “This little Child, while in the school he sate 65
          His Primer conning with an earnest cheer, [E]
          The whilst the rest their anthem-book repeat
          The Alma Redemptoris did he hear;
          And as he durst he drew him near and near,
          And hearkened to the words and to the note, 70
          Till the first verse he learned it all by rote.

  XI “This Latin knew he nothing what it said,
          For he too tender was of age to know;
          But to his comrade he repaired, and prayed
          That he the meaning of this song would show, 75
          And unto him declare why men sing so;
          This oftentimes, that he might be at ease,
          This child did him beseech on his bare knees.

  XII “His Schoolfellow, who elder was than he,
          Answered him thus:—­’This song, I have heard say, 80
          Was fashioned for our blissful Lady free;
          Her to salute, and also her to pray
          To be our help upon our dying day: 
          If there is more in this, I know it not: 
          Song do I learn,—­small grammar I have got.’ 85

  XIII “’And is this song fashioned in reverence
          Of Jesu’s Mother?’ said this Innocent;
          ’Now, certes, I will use my diligence
          To con it all ere Christmas-tide be spent;
          Although I for my Primer shall be shent, 90
          And shall be beaten three times in an hour,
          Our Lady I will praise with all my power.’

Project Gutenberg
The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.