And if the Limning you in your true Colours
Can make the Painter gracious, I stand ready
For my reward, or if my words distaste you,
I weigh it not, for though your Grooms were ready
To cut my Throat for’t, be assur’d I cannot
Use other Language.
You think you have said
Like a brave fellow:
in this Womans War
You ever have been train’d:
spoke big, but suffer’d
Like a tame Ass; and
when most spur’d and gall’d
Were never Master of
the Spleen or Spirit,
That could raise up
the anger of a man,
And force it into action.
Yes, vile Creature,
Wer’t thou a subject
worthy of my Sword,
Or that thy death, this
moment, could call home
My banish’d hopes,
thou now wer’t dead; dead, woman;
But being as thou art,
it is sufficient
I scorn thee, and contemn
This shews nobly,
I must confess it:
I am taken with it,
For had you kneel’d
and whin’d and shew’d a base
And low dejected mind,
I had despis’d you.
This bravery (in your
adverse fortune) conquers
And do’s command
me, and upon the suddain
I feel a kind of pity,
growing in me,
For your misfortunes,
pity some say’s the Parent,
Of future love, and
I repent my part
So far in what you have
suffered, that I could
(But you are cold) do
something to repair
What your base Brother
(such Jamie I think him)
Hath brought to ruine.
Be not amaz’d,
Our injuries are equal
in his Bastard,
You are familiar with
what I groan for,
And though the name
of Husband holds a tye
Beyond a Brother, I,
a poor weak Woman,
Am sensible, and tender
of a wrong,
And to revenge it would
break through all lets,
That durst oppose me.
Is it possible?
By this kiss: start
not: thus much, as a stranger
You may take from me;
but, if you were pleas’d,
I should select you
as a bosom friend,
I would print ’em
thus, and thus.
Keep off.
Come near,
Near into the Cabinet
of my Counsels:
Simplicity and patience
dwell with Fools,
And let them bear those
burthens, which wise men
Boldly shake off; be
mine and joyn with me,
And when that I have
rais’d you to a fortune,
(Do not deny your self
the happy means)
You’ll look on
me with more judicious eyes
And swear I am most