The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 62 pages of information about The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888.

The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 62 pages of information about The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888.
Bennett, 5.  Mrs. E.W.  Morse, 5.  Mrs. M.M.  Kew, 5; M.T.  Gilmore, 5; J.H.  Smith, 5; Mrs. Dr. Powers, 6; Mrs. J.C.  Packard, 5; Mrs. J.H.  Harwood, 5:  Friends through Mrs. M.A.  McKenzie, 79; Other friends, in sums of 2 or less, 19.60; Anniversary Coll., 21.40 440.00 Pittsburg, Pa., Hazelton Miss.  Soc 7.00 Detroit, Mich.,” Bright Shining Stars,” by Mrs. Black 5.00 FROM CHINESE.—­An Quinn, 20; Quon Seney, 17; Him Que, 5; Quon Man, 5; Quon Sue, 5; Jay Young, 5; Ah Soon, 5.  Lee Fook, 5; Ah Sing, 5; Charley Min, 5; Quon Soon, B; Hom Wee, 5; Charley Sing, 2.50; Other offerings of 2 or less, 27 116.50 -------- $1,192.25

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H.W.  HUBBARD, Treasurer,

56 Reade St., N.Y.

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  Footnote 1: 


Project Gutenberg
The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.