The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 62 pages of information about The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888.

The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 62 pages of information about The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888.

MEW MEXICO, $8.00.

Santa Fe.  Ramona Sch., Sarah E. Moore. 8.00
                                       ——­ $75.00.
——­ For Indian M., Hope Station 75.00

CANADA, $5.00

Montreal.  Chas. Alexander 5.00

EAST AFRICA, $30.00.

Inhambane.  Rev. B.F.  Ousley, for Fisk U. 30.00
Donations $22,313.80
Legacies 1,800.00
Tuition 3,821.25
Rents 10.00
Total for April $27,945.05
Total from Oct. 1 to April 30 158,921.20


Subscriptions for April $65.90
Previously acknowledged 647.18
Total $713.18


from Oct. 1st, 1S87, to March 16th, 1838.  E. Palache, Treas.: 

FROM LOCAL MISSIONS.—­Alameda, Chinese Mon.  Off’s, 2; Cong.  Ch., O.M.  Goddard, 10.—­Anniversary Coll., 25, to const.  REV.  W.W.  SCUDDER, JR., L.M.—­Marysville, Chinese Mon.  Off’s, 33.05.—­Oakland, Japanese Mon.  Off’s, 4.20.—­Oroville, Chinese Mon.  Off’s, 7.15.—­“Friend” 6.—­Sacramento, Chinese Mon.  Off’s, 31.75—­San Diego, Chinese Mon.  Off’s, 6.25; Ah Quinn, 2.—­Santa Barbara, Chinese Mon.  Off’s, 64.25; Chinese, Special for books, 11.50; Anniversary Coll., 4.50; Annual Memberships, American, (2 of which from Mrs. J. Bates), 10.—­Santa Cruz, Chinese Mon.  Off’s. 29.40; Chinese Special, for refitting and furnishing Mission house, 60.85.—­Stockton, Chinese Mon.  Off’s, 27.90.—­Tucson, Chinese Mon.  Off’s, 15.70 $354.25 FROM CHURCHES.—­Oakland, First Cong.  Ch., 150.—­San Francisco, Bethany Ch. (Americans), E.P. 2.50; From Chinese Central Mission, Monthlies, 23.15; Barnes Mission, Monthlies, 7.95; West Mission, Monthlies, 17.90; Ng.  Hing, 4 205.50 FROM INDIVIDUAL OFFERINGS.—­Mrs. Jane Sanford, 12; Edson D. Hale, 2 14.00 FROM EASTERN FRIENDS.—­Bucksport, Me., Miss Julia Barnard, 5.—­Marlboro, Mass., Miss H.F.  Alexander, 1.—­Albany, N.Y., Mission Sab.  Sch., by J.C.  Hughson, 14.—­Spring Valley, N.Y., Miss M.C.  Waterbury, 30 50.00 ALSO RECEIVED FOR ENLARGEMENT AND FURNISHING OF MISSION HOUSE SAN DIEGO.—­San Diego, W. Collier, 50; Mrs. L.C.  Gunn, 25; Mrs. W.W.  Steward, 25; Daniel Stone, 25; Bryant Howard, 25; O.S.  Hubbell, 20; Mrs. Babcock, 20; San Diego Lumber Co., 15; Mrs. J.P.  Noble, 15; G.W.  Marston, 10:  Mrs. J.H.  Ferry, 10; Mrs. C.T.  Hamilton, 5; Mrs. A.H.  Panly, 5; Emma R. Sheldon, 5; Geo. M. Hitchcock, G; Mrs. A.A.  Thomas, 5; Mrs. A.E.  Gilbert, 5; Mrs. H.L.  Story, 5; M.L.  Brown, 5; Mrs.

Project Gutenberg
The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.