The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 71 pages of information about The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg.

The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 71 pages of information about The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg.

“’P.S.—­CITIZENS OF HADLEYBURG:  There is no test-remark—­nobody made one. [Great sensation.] There wasn’t any pauper stranger, nor any twenty-dollar contribution, nor any accompanying benediction and compliment—­these are all inventions. [General buzz and hum of astonishment and delight.] Allow me to tell my story—­it will take but a word or two.  I passed through your town at a certain time, and received a deep offence which I had not earned.  Any other man would have been content to kill one or two of you and call it square, but to me that would have been a trivial revenge, and inadequate; for the dead do not suffer.  Besides I could not kill you all—­and, anyway, made as I am, even that would not have satisfied me.  I wanted to damage every man in the place, and every woman—­and not in their bodies or in their estate, but in their vanity—­the place where feeble and foolish people are most vulnerable.  So I disguised myself and came back and studied you.  You were easy game.  You had an old and lofty reputation for honesty, and naturally you were proud of it—­it was your treasure of treasures, the very apple of your eye.  As soon as I found out that you carefully and vigilantly kept yourselves and your children out of temptation, I knew how to proceed.  Why, you simple creatures, the weakest of all weak things is a virtue which has not been tested in the fire.  I laid a plan, and gathered a list of names.  My project was to corrupt Hadleyburg the Incorruptible.  My idea was to make liars and thieves of nearly half a hundred smirchless men and women who had never in their lives uttered a lie or stolen a penny.  I was afraid of Goodson.  He was neither born nor reared in Hadleyburg.  I was afraid that if I started to operate my scheme by getting my letter laid before you, you would say to yourselves, ’Goodson is the only man among us who would give away twenty dollars to a poor devil’—­and then you might not bite at my bait.  But heaven took Goodson; then I knew I was safe, and I set my trap and baited it.  It may be that I shall not catch all the men to whom I mailed the pretended test-secret, but I shall catch the most of them, if I know Hadleyburg nature. [Voices.  “Right—­he got every last one of them.”] I believe they will even steal ostensible gamble-money, rather than miss, poor, tempted, and mistrained fellows.  I am hoping to eternally and everlastingly squelch your vanity and give Hadleyburg a new renown—­one that will stick—­and spread far.  If I have succeeded, open the sack and summon the Committee on Propagation and Preservation of the Hadleyburg Reputation.’”

A Cyclone of Voices.  “Open it!  Open it!  The Eighteen to the front!  Committee on Propagation of the Tradition!  Forward—­the Incorruptibles!”

The Chair ripped the sack wide, and gathered up a handful of bright, broad, yellow coins, shook them together, then examined them.

“Friends, they are only gilded disks of lead!”

Project Gutenberg
The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.