The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 05, May, 1888 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 26 pages of information about The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 05, May, 1888.

The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 05, May, 1888 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 26 pages of information about The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 05, May, 1888.
Cong.  Ch., bal. for Freight 0.75 Tewksbury.  Sab.  Sch. of Cong.  Ch. 15.00 Upton.  Bbl of C., for Mobile, Ala. Waltham.  Ladies of Cong.  Ch.  Bbl. of material for Sewing Dept., Talladega C. Ware.  Sab.  Sch. of East Cong.  Ch., for Santee Indian M. 25.00 Wellesley.  “Friends in Wellesley College,” for Indian M. 9.00 Westboro.  Miss’y Soc., 3, and Pkg.  Furnishings, by Miss Bixby, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. 3.00 West Boxford.  Cong.  Ch. and Soc. 11.05
West Medway.  C. Albert Adams 10.00
West Medway.  “A Friend,” for Student Aid, Talladega C. 3.00
West Somerville.  Mrs. Taplin, Bbl. of Goods, 1.30 for freight, for
Pleasant Hill, Tenn.
1.30 Weymouth and Braintree.  Cong Ch. 48.76 Whitman.  “A Friend,” to Const.  MRS. LYDIA A. PRATT and MISS LIZZIE REED L.M’S. 60.00 Wollaston.  First Cong.  Ch. (10 of which for Indian M.) 15.00 Worcester.  Union Ch., 214.75; Piedmont Ch., 65; “A Friend” 20; Salem St. Ch., 17.75 317.50 Worcester.  P.E.  Moen, 50; “S.E.J.” 25, for Indian M. 75.00 Worcester.  O.S.  Mission C. of Old South Ch., for Toughaloo U. 16.00 Worcester.  “Piedmont Ch., A Friend.” for Atlanta U. 10.00 Worcester.  Benev.  Soc. of Plym.  Ch., for Student Aid, Talladega C. 5.00 ——­ Massachusetts Indian Ass’n, for Indian M. 10.00 ——­ “A Friend,” adl. for Fisk U. 31.42 By Charles Marsh, Treas.  Hampden Benev.  Ass’n:  Agawam. for Indian M. 5.00 East Granville 10.00 Indian Orchard 14.78 Ludlow 15.00 Palmer.  First 5.06 Springfield.  South 66.62 Westfield.  First, to const.  MRS. MARY E. RICHARDSON L.M. 100.87 West Springfield.  First, to const.  MRS. C.S.  BEARDSLEE L.M. 34 00 ------ 251.33 -------- $5,375.85


Beverly.  Estate of John Lovett, by Chas. T. Lovett, Ex. 250.00
Sherborn.  Estate of Oliver Barber, by J.W.  Barber, Ex. 100.00


Andover, Mass.  Mrs. Selah Merrill, 1 Bbl. for Tougaloo U.
Gloucester, Mass.  Mary Brooks, 1 Bdl.  S.S.  Papers
Groton, Mass.  Ladies Benev.  Soc. of Cong.  Ch., 1 Bbl. for Oaks, N.C.
Malden, Mass.  M. Kent, 1 Bbl., for Kittrell, N.C.
Quincy, Mass.  Harriet S. Proctor, 1 Case
Rockport, Mass. 1 Bdl
Yarmouth, Mass.  Sewing Circle of Cong.  Ch., 1 Bbl., for Atlanta U.

   RHODE ISLAND, $90.02.

Bristol, “Wide Awakes” of Cong.  Ch., for Student Aid, Fort Berthold,
Little Compton.  United Cong.  Ch. 21.52
Pawtucket.  “Mission Workers” for Indian Sch’p. 52.50
Providence.  Hon. A.C.  Barstow, 10; “A Friend”, 1, for Tougaloo U.

   CONNECTICUT, $3,249.58.

Project Gutenberg
The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 05, May, 1888 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.