The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 05, May, 1888 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 26 pages of information about The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 05, May, 1888.

The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 05, May, 1888 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 26 pages of information about The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 05, May, 1888.

   PENNSYLVANIA, $84.00.

Bradford.  Charles E. Webster 4.00
Cambridge.  First Cong.  Ch. 5.00
Neath.  Cong.  Ch. 5.00
Ridgway.  Young People’s Bible Class, by Minnie J. Kline, for Oaks,
Scrangon.  Plym.  Cong.  Ch. 25.00
Scranton.  Mrs. Jane L. Eynon, for Indian Sch’p 40.00

   OHIO, $264.36.

Alliance.  Sab.  Sch. of Welsh Cong.  Ch. 5.00
Bryan.  S.E.  Blakeslee 5.00
Canfield.  Cong.  Ch. 6.13
Castalia.  Sab.  Sch. of First Cong.  Ch. 9.32
Dover.  Y.P.S.C.E. of Cong.  Ch., for Fisk U. 20.00
Elyria.  Cong.  Ch., 3, and Sab.  Sch., 6, for Williamsburg, Ky. 9.00
Jersey.  Mrs. Charlotte F. Slough and C. Fred Slough 5.00
Madison.  Central Cong.  Ch. 48.00
Mansfield.  F.E.  Tracy, for Student Aid, Tillotson C. & N. Inst.
North Ridgeville.  Cong.  Ch. $5.87
North Ridgeville.  Miss M.M.  Lickwish, for Student Aid, Williamsburg,
Oberlin.  Mrs. Maria Godell Frost 2.00
Rockport.  Mrs. Carrie S. Bassett 4.50
Sandusky.  First Cong.  Ch., 19.05; Sab.  Sch. of First Cong.  Ch., 17.73
Toledo.  W.M.U.  Central Cong.  Ch,. for Woman’s Work 20.00
Ohio Woman’s Home Missionary Union, by Mrs. Phebe A. Crafts, Treas.,
for Woman’s Work
Columbus.  Eastwood Church L.M.S. 10.00
Conneaut.  Cong.  S.S.  Mission Band, for Student Aid, Fisk U. 5.00
Medina.  Primary S.S.  Class 0.50
-------- 15.50


Oberlin.  Estate of Henry Cowles, D.D., Royalty on Commentary    30.96

ILLINOIS, $718.14.

Aurora.  First Cong.  Ch. 47.31
Batavia.  Y.P.  Miss’y Soc. 10.00
Chicago.  First Cong.  Ch. 153.81
Evanston.  Sab.  Sch. of First Cong.  Ch., for Fisk U. Schp. 52.36
Forest.  Cong.  Ch. 16.70
Galesburg.  First Ch. of Christ, 46.14 and Sab.  Sch., 13.44 59.58
Harvard.  Young People’s Miss’y Soc. 7.05
Joy Prairie.  Sab.  Sch. of Cong.  Ch., for Indian M. 13.00
Lisbon.  Gilman Kendall, 1; Mrs. L.M.  Kendall, 1 2.00
Lombard.  Ladies, for Mobile, Ala. 8.00
Peoria.  Mrs. John L. Griswold, 100; Sab.  Sch. of First Cong.  Ch.,
25.50; for Fisk U. 125.50
Peoria.  S.S.  Class, for Mobile, Ala. 5.00
Princeton.  Mrs. P.B.  Corss 20.00
Ridge Prairie.  Rev. A. Kern 1.00
Summer Hill.  Cong.  Ch. 5.00
Thomasboro.  “R” 3.00
Tolono.  Mrs. L. Haskell 10.00
——­ “Hapland” 100.00
Woman’s Home Missionary Union of Ill., Mrs. B.F.  Leavitt, Treas., for
Woman’s Work

Alton.  W.H.M.U. 9.00
Ashkum 0.94
Chicago.  Leavitt St. Ch. 1.39
McLean.  W.H.M.U. 10.00
Morris 10.00
Oak Park.  Ladies’ Benev.  Circle 16.00
Payson 1.00
Providence 8.00
Rockford.  Second Ch. 4.00
Rockford.  W.H.M.U. of Second Ch. 2.50
Sycamore.  W.H.M.U. 0.25
Toulon 0.75
Waukegan.  Miss Knight 3.50
Wilmette 1.00
——­ 78.83

Project Gutenberg
The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 05, May, 1888 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.