Elder Lo. I like this well: these women
are strange things.
’Tis somewhat of the latest now to weep,
You should have wept when he was going from you,
And chain’d him with those tears at home.
La. Would you had told me then so, these two arms had been his Sea.
Elder Lo. Trust me you move me much: but say he lived, these were forgotten things again.
Lady. I, say you so? Sure I should know that voice: this is knavery. I’le fit you for it. Were he living Sir, I would perswade you to be charitable, I, and confess we are not all so ill as your opinion holds us. O my friend, what penance shall I pull upon my fault, upon my most unworthy self for this?
Elder Lo. Leave to love others, ’twas some jealousie That turn’d him desperate.
Lady. I’le be with you straight: are you wrung there?
Elder Lo. This works amain upon her.
Lady. I do confess there is a Gentleman Has born me long good will.
Elder Lo. I do not like that.
Lady. And vow’d a thousand services to me; to me, regardless of him: But since Fate, that no power can withstand, has taken from me my first, and best love, and to weep away my youth is a mere folly, I will shew you what I determine sir: you shall know all: Call M. Welford there: That Gentleman I mean to make the model of my Fortunes, and in his chast imbraces keep alive the memory of my lost lovely Loveless: he is somewhat like him too.
Elder Lo. Then you can love.
Lady. Yes certainly Sir? Though it please you to think me hard and cruel, I hope I shall perswade you otherwise.
Elder Lo. I have made my self a fine fool.
Enter Welford.
Wel. Would you have spoke with me Madam?
Lady. Yes M. Welford, and I ask your pardon before this Gentleman for being froward: this kiss, and henceforth more affection.
Elder Lo. So, ’tis better I were drown’d indeed.
Wel. This is a sudden passion, God hold it.
This fellow out of his fear sure has
Perswaded her. I’le give him a new suit
La. A parting kiss, and good Sir, let me pray you To wait me in the Gallerie.
Wel. I am in another world, Madam where you please. [Exit Welford.
Elder Lo. I will to Sea, and ’t shall goe hard but I’le be drown’d indeed.
La. Now Sir you see I am no such hard creature, But time may win me.
Elder Lo. You have forgot your lost Love.
La. Alas Sir, what would you have me do? I cannot call him back again with sorrow; I’le love this man as dearly, and beshrow me I’le keep him far enough from Sea, and ’twas told me, now I remember me, by an old wise woman, that my first Love should be drown’d, and see ’tis come about.