Between the Dark and the Daylight eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Between the Dark and the Daylight.

Between the Dark and the Daylight eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Between the Dark and the Daylight.
him he could scoop it in his hand and pour it out again like water.  Seaward, he glanced at the fishing-boats lying motionless in the offing, and the coastwise steamer that runs between Nice and Genoa trailing a thin plume of smoke between him and their white sails.  With the more definite purpose of making sure of the Grand Hotel Sardegna, he scanned the different villa slopes that showed their level lines of white and yellow and dull pink through the gray tropical greenery on the different levels of the hills.  He was duly rewarded by the sight of the bold legend topping its cornice, and when he let his eye descend the garden to a little pavilion on the wall overlooking the road, he saw his acquaintances of the evening before making a belated breakfast.  The father recognized Lanfear first and spoke to his daughter, who looked up from her coffee and down towards him where he wavered, lifting his hat, and bowed smiling to him.  He had no reason to cross the roadway towards the white stairway which climbed from it to the hotel grounds, but he did so.  The father leaned out over the wall, and called down to him:  “Won’t you come up and join us, doctor?”

“Why, yes!” Lanfear consented, and in another moment he was shaking hands with the girl, to whom, he noticed, her father named him again.  He had in his glad sense of her white morning dress and her hat of green-leafed lace, a feeling that she was somehow meeting him as a friend of indefinite date in an intimacy unconditioned by any past or future time.  Her pleasure in his being there was as frank as her father’s, and there was a pretty trust of him in every word and tone which forbade misinterpretation.

“I was just talking about you, doctor,” the father began, “and saying what a pity you hadn’t come to our hotel.  It’s a capital place.”

I’ve been thinking it was a pity I went to mine,” Lanfear returned, “though I’m in San Remo for such a short time it’s scarcely worth while to change.”

“Well, perhaps if you came here, you might stay longer.  I guess we’re booked for the winter, Nannie?” He referred the question to his daughter, who asked Lanfear if he would not have some coffee.

“I was going to say I had had my coffee, but I’m not sure it was coffee,” Lanfear began, and he consented, with some demur, banal enough, about the trouble.

“Well, that’s right, then, and no trouble at all,” Mr. Gerald broke in upon him.  “Here comes a fellow looking for a chance to bring you some,” and he called to a waiter wandering distractedly about with a “Heigh!” that might have been offensive from a less obviously inoffensive man.  “Can you get our friend here a cup and saucer, and some of this good coffee?” he asked, as the waiter approached.

“Yes, certainly, sir,” the man answered in careful English.  “Is it not, perhaps, Mr. and Misses Gerald?” he smilingly insinuated, offering some cards.

Project Gutenberg
Between the Dark and the Daylight from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.