Northanger Abbey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about Northanger Abbey.
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Northanger Abbey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about Northanger Abbey.

Their conference was put an end to by the anxious young lover himself, who came to breathe his parting sigh before he set off for Wiltshire.  Catherine wished to congratulate him, but knew not what to say, and her eloquence was only in her eyes.  From them, however, the eight parts of speech shone out most expressively, and James could combine them with ease.  Impatient for the realization of all that he hoped at home, his adieus were not long; and they would have been yet shorter, had he not been frequently detained by the urgent entreaties of his fair one that he would go.  Twice was he called almost from the door by her eagerness to have him gone.  “Indeed, Morland, I must drive you away.  Consider how far you have to ride.  I cannot bear to see you linger so.  For heaven’s sake, waste no more time.  There, go, go —­ I insist on it.”

The two friends, with hearts now more united than ever, were inseparable for the day; and in schemes of sisterly happiness the hours flew along.  Mrs. Thorpe and her son, who were acquainted with everything, and who seemed only to want Mr. Morland’s consent, to consider Isabella’s engagement as the most fortunate circumstance imaginable for their family, were allowed to join their counsels, and add their quota of significant looks and mysterious expressions to fill up the measure of curiosity to be raised in the unprivileged younger sisters.  To Catherine’s simple feelings, this odd sort of reserve seemed neither kindly meant, nor consistently supported; and its unkindness she would hardly have forborne pointing out, had its inconsistency been less their friend; but Anne and Maria soon set her heart at ease by the sagacity of their “I know what”; and the evening was spent in a sort of war of wit, a display of family ingenuity, on one side in the mystery of an affected secret, on the other of undefined discovery, all equally acute.

Catherine was with her friend again the next day, endeavouring to support her spirits and while away the many tedious hours before the delivery of the letters; a needful exertion, for as the time of reasonable expectation drew near, Isabella became more and more desponding, and before the letter arrived, had worked herself into a state of real distress.  But when it did come, where could distress be found?  “I have had no difficulty in gaining the consent of my kind parents, and am promised that everything in their power shall be done to forward my happiness,” were the first three lines, and in one moment all was joyful security.  The brightest glow was instantly spread over Isabella’s features, all care and anxiety seemed removed, her spirits became almost too high for control, and she called herself without scruple the happiest of mortals.

Project Gutenberg
Northanger Abbey from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.