The Oxford Movement eBook

Richard William Church
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Oxford Movement.

The Oxford Movement eBook

Richard William Church
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Oxford Movement.
Hare, Julius
Hawkins, Dr.
Hawkins, E.
Hill, Mr.
Hobhouse, Mr.
Holland House
“Home Thoughts Abroad”
Hook, Dr.
Hope, Mr. Beresford
Howley, Archbishop
Hussey, Mr.

Ideal of a Christian Church, See W.G.  Ward
Infallibility, views on
Irons, Dr.

Jebb, Bishop
Jelf, Dr.
Jenkyns, Dr.
Jerusalem, Bishopric of
Jerusalem, Bishopric of, Newman’s protest against
Jolly, Bishop
Jowett, Mr.

Kaye, Bishop
Keble, John
  brilliant Oxford career
  suspicions of Evangelicism
  a strong Tory
  his poetic nature
  influence on Froude
  his pupils
  sermon on National Apostasy
  tract on “Mysticism of the Fathers”
  resigns Poetry Professorship
Keble, Thomas
Knox, Alexander

Law’s Serious Call, Keble’s remark on
Le Bas, Mr.
Lectures on Justification, Newman’s, influence of
Letter to the Bishop of Oxford, Newman’s
Letters of an Episcopalian
Lewis, D.
Library of the Fathers
Lloyd’s, Bishop, Lectures, influence of
Lowe, R.
Lyall, Mr.
Lyra Apostolica

Macmullen, Mr.
  his contest on B.D. degree
Manning, Archdeacon
Marriott, Charles
  influenced by Coleridge and Dr. Hampden
  aversion to party action
  Scholar of Balliol
  Fellow of Oriel
  Newman’s influence on
  Moberly’s influence on
  Principal of Chichester Theological College
  scheme of poor students’ hall
  Tutor of Oriel
  Vicar of St. Mary’s
  his sermons
  rooms and parties
  share in Library of the Fathers
  Mozley’s estimate of
Marsh, Bishop
“Martyrs’ Memorial,” connexion with the movement
Maurice, F.D., views of
Melbourne, Lord
Meyrick, T.
Miller, John (of Worcester), Bampton Lectures, influence of
Moberly, Dr. (of Winchester)
Monophysite Controversy
Morris, John Brande
Mozley, James
  on Newman’s sermons
  on “No. 90”
Mozley, Thomas
  on Charles Marriott
  on Froude
“Mysticism of the Fathers in the use and interpretation of Scripture,”
           Keble’s Tract on

National Apostasy, Keble’s sermon on
Newman, John Henry—­
  his early preaching
  meeting with Froude
  Froude’s early estimate of
  on Apostolic Succession, q.v.
  on Infallibility
  attitude at different times to Rome
  early friends
  first Tract, written by
  his four o’clock sermons
  chief coadjutors of
  views on subscription of Articles
  on Dr. Hampden’s theology
  Lectures on Justification
  Anglicanism, views on
  resigns St. Mary’s
  not a proselytiser
  Letter to Bishop of Oxford
  interpretation of Church formularies
  on the Articles, See “No. 90”
  Essay on the Development of Christian

Project Gutenberg
The Oxford Movement from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.