Letters of Travel (1892-1913) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 253 pages of information about Letters of Travel (1892-1913).

Letters of Travel (1892-1913) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 253 pages of information about Letters of Travel (1892-1913).
When next you, housekeeping in England, differ with the respectable, amiable, industrious sixteen-pound maid, who wears a cap and says ‘Ma’am,’ remember the pauper labour of America—­the wives of the sixty million kings who have no subjects.  No man could get a thorough knowledge of the problem in one lifetime, but he could guess at the size and the import of it after he has descended into the arena and wrestled with the Swede and the Dane and the German and the unspeakable Celt.  Then he perceives how good for the breed it must be that a man should thresh himself to pieces in naked competition with his neighbour while his wife struggles unceasingly over primitive savagery in the kitchen.  In India sometimes when a famine is at hand the life of the land starts up before your eyes in all its bareness and bitter stress.  Here, in spite of the trimmings and the frillings, it refuses to be subdued and the clamour and the clatter of it are loud above all other sounds—­as sometimes the thunder of disorganised engines stops conversations along the decks of a liner, and in the inquiring eyes of the passengers you read the question—­’This thing is made and paid to bear us to port quietly.  Why does it not do so?’ Only here, the rattle of the badly-put-together machine is always in the ears, though men and women run about with labour-saving appliances and gospels of ‘power through repose,’ tinkering and oiling and making more noise.  The machine is new.  Some day it is going to be the finest machine in the world.  To the ranks of the amateur artificers, therefore, are added men with notebooks tapping at every nut and bolthead, fiddling with the glands, registering revolutions, and crying out from time to time that this or that is or is not ’distinctively American.’  Meantime, men and women die unnecessarily in the wheels, and they are said to have fallen ‘in the battle of life.’

The God Who sees us all die knows that there is far too much of that battle, but we do not, and so continue worshipping the knife that cuts and the wheel that breaks us, as blindly as the outcast sweeper worships Lal-Beg the Glorified Broom that is the incarnation of his craft.  But the sweeper has sense enough not to kill himself, and to be proud of it, with sweeping.

A foreigner can do little good by talking of these things; for the same lean dry blood that breeds the fever of unrest breeds also the savage parochial pride that squeals under a steady stare or a pointed finger.  Among themselves the people of the Eastern cities admit that they and their womenfolk overwork grievously and go to pieces very readily, and that the consequences for the young stock are unpleasant indeed; but before the stranger they prefer to talk about the future of their mighty continent (which has nothing to do with the case) and to call aloud on Baal of the Dollars—­to catalogue their lines, mines, telephones, banks, and cities, and all the other shells, buttons, and counters that they have made their Gods over them.  Now a nation does not progress upon its brain-pan, as some books would have us believe, but upon its belly as did the Serpent of old; and in the very long run the work of the brain comes to be gathered in by a slow-footed breed that have unimaginative stomachs and the nerves that know their place.

Project Gutenberg
Letters of Travel (1892-1913) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.