Letters of Travel (1892-1913) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 253 pages of information about Letters of Travel (1892-1913).

Letters of Travel (1892-1913) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 253 pages of information about Letters of Travel (1892-1913).

But I bought nothing.  The city thrust more treasure upon me than I could carry away.  It came out of dark alleyways on tawny camels loaded with pots; on pattering asses half buried under nets of cut clover; in the exquisitely modelled hands of little children scurrying home from the cookshop with the evening meal, chin pressed against the platter’s edge and eyes round with responsibility above the pile; in the broken lights from jutting rooms overhead, where the women lie, chin between palms, looking out of windows not a foot from the floor; in every glimpse into every courtyard, where the men smoke by the tank; in the heaps of rubbish and rotten bricks that flanked newly painted houses, waiting to be built, some day, into houses once more; in the slap and slide or the heelless red-and-yellow slippers all around, and, above all, in the mixed delicious smells of frying butter, Mohammedan bread, kababs, leather, cooking-smoke, assafetida, peppers, and turmeric.  Devils cannot abide the smell of burning turmeric, but the right-minded man loves it.  It stands for evening that brings all home, the evening meal, the dipping of friendly hands in the dish, the one face, the dropped veil, and the big, guttering pipe afterward.

Praised be Allah for the diversity of His creatures and for the Five Advantages of Travel and for the glories of the Cities of the Earth!  Harun-al-Raschid, in roaring Bagdad of old, never delighted himself to the limits of such a delight as was mine, that afternoon.  It is true that the call to prayer, the cadence of some of the street-cries, and the cut of some of the garments differed a little from what I had been brought up to; but for the rest, the shadow on the dial had turned back twenty degrees for me, and I found myself saying, as perhaps the dead say when they have recovered their wits, ‘This is my real world again,’

Some men are Mohammedan by birth, some by training, and some by fate, but I have never met an Englishman yet who hated Islam and its people as I have met Englishmen who hated some other faiths. Musalmani awadani, as the saying goes—­where there are Mohammedans, there is a comprehensible civilisation.

Then we came upon a deserted mosque of pitted brick colonnades round a vast courtyard open to the pale sky.  It was utterly empty except for its own proper spirit, and that caught one by the throat as one entered.  Christian churches may compromise with images and side-chapels where the unworthy or abashed can traffic with accessible saints.  Islam has but one pulpit and one stark affirmation—­living or dying, one only—­and where men have repeated that in red-hot belief through centuries, the air still shakes to it.

Project Gutenberg
Letters of Travel (1892-1913) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.