The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 04, April, 1888 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 60 pages of information about The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 04, April, 1888.

The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 04, April, 1888 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 60 pages of information about The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 04, April, 1888.

Westhampton. ladies’ Benev.  Soc., for Tougaloo U 10.00

Westminster.  “Cheerful Givers,” for Student Aid, Fisk U 5.00

West Newton.  Earnest Workers, for Student Aid, Storrs Sch 5.00

West Springfield.  Mrs. Lucy m.  Bagg, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn 50.00

Weymouth.  Sab.  Sch. of Cong.  Ch., for Pleasant Hill, Tenn 55.00

Whitman.  Cong.  Ch. and Soc. 77.00

Winchendon.  Sab.  Sch. of Cong.  Ch., for Pleasant Hill, Tenn 20.00

Winchester.  Cong.  Ch. and Soc. 19.59

Worchester.  Old So.  Ch., to const.  GEO. R. BLISS and MRS. GEO. M.
PIERSE L.M.’s 61.26

Yarmouth.  Rev. John W. Dodge, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn 25.00
-------------- $2,925 07


Whitinsville.  Estate of Chas. P. Whitin, by Edward Whitin, Ex. 3000.00
-------------- $5,925 07


Farmington Falls, Me.  By Miss Susan G. Crosswell, Box, for
Williamsburg, Ky

Litchfield, Me.  Ladies’ Aid Soc., Bbl., for Williamsburg, Ky

Brookfield, Mass.  Mrs. R.B.  Montague.  Bbl., for Sherwood, Tenn

Cambridgeport, Mass.  Miss Lacena Palmer, Basted Patchwork

Cambridgeport, Mass.  By Mrs. R.L.  Snow, Box and Bbl., for Tougaloo U

Haverhill, Mass.  West Cong.  Sab.  Sch., Bbl., for Talladega C.

Hyde Park, Mass.  W.H.M.U., of First Cong.  Ch., Bbl., Val. 40 for
Tougaloo U.

Roxbury, Mass.  Mrs. Arthur W. Tuffts, Box, for Sherwood, Tenn

Somerville, Mass.  Mission Circle of Franklin St. Ch., Bbl., for Santee
Indian M.

   RHODE ISLAND, $448.63.

East Providence.  Samuel Belden, for Atlanta U 100.00

Newport.  United Cong.  Ch. 34.68

Pawtucket.  “Friends,” Cong.  Ch., for Indian M. 105.00

Providence.  Sam.  Sch. of Union Cong.  Ch., 50 for Indian M. and 25 for
Williamsburg Ky 75.00

Providence.  Union Cong.  Ch. and Soc. 131.87

Riverside.  Riverside Cong.  Ch 2.08

   CONNECTICUT, $2,001.63.

Berlin.  “A Friend,” 70; The Misses Churchill, 2, for Student Aid,
Tougaloo U. 72.00

Branford.  E. Davis 1.00

Bridgeport.  First Cong.  Ch 129.76

Bristol.  Sab.  Sch.  Class, for Indian Sch’p 14.00

Columbia.  Ladies’ Miss’y Soc., 3, and Bbl. of C., for Louisville, Ky 3.00

Danbury.  “A Friend,” for Lexington, Ky. 50.00

East Canaan.  Cong.  Ch. 5.00

East Hartford.  Sab.  Sch. of Cong.  Ch., 29.77 and Box of Christmas
Gifts, for Student Aid, Williamsburg, Ky 29.77

East Wallingford.  Mrs. Benj.  Hall 3.50

Enfield.  Sab Sch. of First Cong.  Ch., for Indian Sch’p Fund 25.00

Fairfield.  Sab.  Sch. of Cong.  Ch., for Tougaloo U 25.00

Gaylordsville.  Miss Grace Hendricks, for Tillotson C. & N. Inst. 10.00

Project Gutenberg
The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 04, April, 1888 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.