Lives of Girls Who Became Famous eBook

Sarah Knowles Bolton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about Lives of Girls Who Became Famous.

Lives of Girls Who Became Famous eBook

Sarah Knowles Bolton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about Lives of Girls Who Became Famous.

“Through the kindness of the authorities, an amount of gunpowder was expended at Chatham, to make her see, as she said, how ’the men’s faces looked through the smoke,’ that would have justified the criticisms of a rigid parliamentary economist.  Not satisfied with seeing how men looked in square, she desired to secure some faint idea of how they felt in square while ‘receiving cavalry.’  And accordingly she repaired frequently to the Knightsbridge Barracks, where she would kneel to ‘receive’ the riding-master and a mounted sergeant of the Blues, while they thundered down upon her the full length of the riding-school, deftly pulling up, of course, to avoid accident.  The fallen horse presented with such truth and vigor in ‘Quatre Bras’ was drawn from a Russian horse belonging to Hengler’s Circus, the only one in England that could be trusted to remain for a sufficient time in the required position.  A sore trial of patience was this to artist, to model, to Mr. Hengler, who held him down, and to the artist’s father, who was present as spectator.  Finally the rye,—­the ‘particularly tall rye’ in which, as Colonel Siborne says, the action was fought,—­was conscientiously sought for, and found, after much trouble, at Henly-on-Thames.”

I saw this beautiful and stirring picture, as well as several others of Mrs. Butler’s, while in England.  Mr. Ruskin says of “Quatre Bras”:  “I never approached a picture with more iniquitous prejudice against it than I did Miss Thompson’s; partly because I have always said that no woman could paint, and secondly, because I thought what the public made such a fuss about must be good for nothing.  But it is Amazon’s work, this, no doubt of it, and the first fine pre-raphaelite picture of battle we have had, profoundly interesting, and showing all manner of illustrative and realistic faculty.  The sky is most tenderly painted, and with the truest outline of cloud of all in the exhibition; and the terrific piece of gallant wrath and ruin on the extreme left, where the cuirassier is catching round the neck of his horse as he falls, and the convulsed fallen horse, seen through the smoke below, is wrought through all the truth of its frantic passions with gradations of color and shade which I have not seen the like of since Turner’s death.”

This year, 1875, a figure from the picture, the “Tenth Bengal Lancers at Tent-pegging,” was published as a supplement to the Christmas number of London Graphic, with the title “Missed.”  In 1876, “The Return from Balaklava” was painted, and in 1877, “The Return from Inkerman,” for which latter work the Fine Art Society paid her fifteen thousand dollars.

This year, 1877, on June 11, Miss Thompson was married to Major, now Colonel, William Francis Butler, K.C.B.  He was then thirty-nine years of age, born in Ireland, educated in Dublin, and had received many honors.  He served on the Red River expedition, was sent on a special mission to the Saskatchewan territories in 1870-71, and served on the Ashantee expedition in 1873.  He has been honorably mentioned several times in the House of Lords by the Field-Marshal-Commanding-in-Chief.  He wrote The Great Lone Land in 1872, The Wild North Land in 1873, and A Kimfoo in 1875.

Project Gutenberg
Lives of Girls Who Became Famous from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.