The Philippines: Past and Present (Volume 1 of 2) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 594 pages of information about The Philippines.

The Philippines: Past and Present (Volume 1 of 2) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 594 pages of information about The Philippines.

Meanwhile I decided that the Philippines were not for me, asked for and obtained leave for study in Europe, and in December 1898 set out for New York to engage passage for myself and my family.  I went by way of Washington in order to communicate to President McKinley certain facts relative to the Philippine situation which it seemed to me ought to be brought to his attention.

I believed that there was serious danger of an outbreak of hostilities between Filipinos and Americans, and that such a catastrophe, resulting from mutual misunderstanding, might be avoided if seasonable action were taken.  I have since learned how wrong was this latter belief.  My previous experience had been almost exclusively with the Visayans and the wild tribes, and the revolution against the United States was at the outset a strictly Tagalog affair, and hence beyond my ken.

President McKinley very kindly gave me all the time I wanted, displayed a most earnest desire to learn the truth, and showed the deepest and most friendly interest in the Filipinos.  Let no man believe that then or later he had the slightest idea of bringing about the exploitation of their country.  On the contrary, he evinced a most earnest desire to learn what was best for them and then to do it if it lay within his power.

To my amazement, at the end of our interview he asked me whether I would be willing to go to the islands as his personal representative.

I could not immediately decide to make such a radical change in my plans as this would involve, and asked for a week’s time to think the matter over, which was granted.  I decided to go.

Meanwhile, the President had evolved the idea of sending out a commission and asked me if I would serve on it.  I told him that I would and left for my home to make preparations for an early departure.  A few days later he announced the names of the commissioners.  They were Jacob Gould Schurman, President of Cornell University; Major-General Elwell S. Otis, then the ranking army officer in the Philippines; Rear-Admiral George Dewey, then in command of the United States fleet in Philippine waters; Colonel Charles Denby, who had for fourteen years served as United States Minister to China, and myself.

Colonel Denby was delayed in Washington by public business.  Mr. Schurman and I reached Yokohama on the morning of February 13, and on arrival there learned, to our deep regret, that hostilities had broken out on the fourth instant.  We reached Manila on the evening of March 4, but Colonel Denby was unable to join us until April 2.  Meanwhile, as we could not begin our work in his absence, I had an exceptional opportunity to observe conditions in the field, of which I availed myself.

I served with the first Philippine Commission until it had completed its work, and was then appointed to the second Philippine Commission without a day’s break in my period of service.

The members of this latter body were William H. Taft of Ohio; Luke E. Wright of Tennessee; Henry C. Ide of Vermont; Bernard Moses of California, and myself.  Briefly stated, the task before us was to establish civil government in the Philippine Islands.  After a period of ninety days, to be spent in observation, the commission was to become the legislative body, while executive power continued to be vested for a time in the military.

Project Gutenberg
The Philippines: Past and Present (Volume 1 of 2) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.