of 21,000_l_. But Mr. Cadell, the bookseller,
has undertaken to pay 20,000_l._ for the publication
of the remainder of his works, on the plan which had
been so far proceeded in. This will clear off
all the claims. A near relative of Lady Scott
left 60,000_l._ to the children of Sir Walter, to
which, of course, they are entitled; and the eldest
son received a large fortune with his wife. The
public, therefore, are spared the pain of knowing
that the family of one to whom they are so largely
indebted, are left in a state of destitution.”—We
hope this statement is as correct as it is gratifying.
[Illustration: (Dryburgh Abbey.)]
* * * * *
Printed and published by J. LIMBIRD, 143, Strand, (near Somerset House,) London.