Half a Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 352 pages of information about Half a Century.

Half a Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 352 pages of information about Half a Century.

There was disappointment that I had not criticised Judge Grier’s course in the first number of the Visiter, but this was part of my plan.  In the second number I stated that there had been for a long time a great legal luminary visible in the Pennsylvania heavens, which had suddenly disappeared.  I had been searching for him for several weeks with the best telescopes in the city, and had about given him up as a lost star, when I bethought me of Paddy, who had heated his gun-barrel and bent it around a tree so that he might be able to shoot around corners.  Paddy’s idea was so excellent that I had adopted it and made a crooked telescope, by which I had found that luminary almost sixty degrees below our moral horizon.  From this I proceeded to the merits of the case.

Judge Grier and Dr. Mitchell were both elders in the Presbyterian church.  The Judge administered to men the eucharist oath to follow Christ, then usurped the law-making power of the United States to punish them for obeying one of the plainest precepts of the Master.

The article seemed to throw him into a furious passion.  He threatened to sue Mr. Riddle for having the Visiter printed and sold in his office, and, as for me, I was to suffer all the pains and penalties which law and public scorn could inflict.  He demanded a satisfactory retraction and apology as the least atonement he could accept for the insult.  These Mr. Riddle promised in my name, and I did not hesitate to make the promise good.

My next article was headed “An Apology,” and in it I stated the circumstances which had called it out, and the pleasant prospect of my being sent to Mount Airy (our county jail) in case this, my apology, was not satisfactory.  I should of course do my best to satisfy his honor, but in case of failure, should take comfort in the fact that the Mount would make a good observatory.  From that height I should be able to use my telescope much better than in my present valley of humiliation.  Indeed, the mere prospect had so improved my glass, that I had caught a new view of our sunken star, and to-day, this dispenser of justice, this gentleman with the high sense of honor, was a criminal under sentence of death by the divine law.  “He who stealeth a man and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.”

Judge Grier had helped a gang of thieves to steal Jerry, whose ancestors had been stolen in Africa.  The original thief sold all he could sell—­the title of a thief—­and as the stream cannot rise above the fountain, Jerry’s master held the same title to him that any man would to Judge Grier’s horse, provided he had stolen it.  The purchaser of a stolen horse acquired no title in him, and the purchaser of a stolen man acquired no title in him.  The man who helped another steal a horse, was a horse thief, and the man who helped another steal a man, was a man thief, condemned to death by divine law.  Jerry, after having been once stolen, had recovered possession of himself, and his master and other thieves had re-stolen him!  Judge Grier, with full knowledge of this fact, had prostituted law for the benefit of the thieves.

Project Gutenberg
Half a Century from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.