Dick Sand eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 436 pages of information about Dick Sand.

Dick Sand eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 436 pages of information about Dick Sand.

Dick Sand was standing at the wheel of the helm.

“Go!” cried he.  “Tom, let go that rope quickly!”

“Let go?” said Tom, who did not understand that expression.

“Yes, loosen it!  Now you, Bat—­the same thing!  Good!  Heave—­haul taut.  Let us see, pull it in!”

“Like that?” said Bat.

“Yes, like that.  Very good.  Come, Hercules—­strong.  A good pull there!”

To say “strong” to Hercules was, perhaps, imprudent.  The giant of course gave a pull that brought down the rope.

“Oh! not so strong, my honest fellow!” cried Dick Sand, smiling.  “You are going to bring down the masts!”

“I have hardly pulled,” replied Hercules.

“Well, only make believe!  You will see that that will be enough!  Well, slacken—­cast off!  Make fast—­Make fast—­like that!  Good!  All together!  Heave—­pull on the braces.”

And the whole breadth of the foremast, whose larboard braces had been loosened, turned slowly.  The wind then swelling the sails imparted a certain speed to the ship.

Dick Sand then had the jib sheet-ropes loosened.  Then he called the blacks aft: 

“Behold what is done, my friends, and well done.  Now let us attend to the mainmast.  But break nothing, Hercules.”

“I shall try,” replied the colossus, without being willing to promise more.

This second operation was quite easy.  The main-boom sheet-rope having been let go gently, the brigantine took the wind more regularly, and added its powerful action to that of the forward sails.

The fore-staff was then set above the brigantine, and, as it is simply brailed up, there was nothing to do but bear on the rope, to haul aboard, then to secure it.  But Hercules pulled so hard, along with his friend Acteon, without counting little Jack, who had joined them, that the rope broke off.

All three fell backwards—­happily, without hurting themselves.  Jack was enchanted.

“That’s nothing! that’s nothing!” cried the novice.  “Fasten the two ends together for this time and hoist softly!”

That was done under Dick Sand’s eyes, while he had not yet left the helm.  The “Pilgrim” was already sailing rapidly, headed to the east, and there was nothing more to be done but keep it in that direction.  Nothing easier, because the wind was favorable, and lurches were not to be feared.

“Good, my friends!” said the novice.  “You will be good sailors before the end of the voyage!”

“We shall do our best, Captain Sand,” replied Tom.

Mrs. Weldon also complimented those honest men.

Little Jack himself received his share of praise, for he had worked bravely.

“Indeed, I believe, Mr. Jack,” said Hercules, smiling, “that it was you who broke the rope.  What a good little fist you have.  Without you we should have done nothing right.”

And little Jack, very proud of himself, shook his friend Hercules’ hand vigorously.

Project Gutenberg
Dick Sand from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.